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indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zm8t7 wrote

I have been making next to nothing here for the last three years. After 120 applications this is the first one to give me an interview. Is it possible to live even with roommates at this point in the area, or is 50k the bare minimum now?


solidrecommendations t1_j6zn3g5 wrote

If you take into account the higher cost of living here, $42k may effectively be less than you’re making now. This is one of the most expensive places to live in the country. Is it possible on $50k? Sure, it’s possible, but you will not have much left over after basic expenses (and yes, you will need many roommates).


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zo90q wrote

I know its expensive, but you know what that says to me? There's some actual opportunity. Where I'm living I am housebound, and most people are lucky to earn 14/hr. If it's less than what I made, I'll just grit my teeth and work my way up. I just can't see another way out after barely clearing $300/week the last 3 yaers.


solidrecommendations t1_j6zp20o wrote

I’m not sure where you live in the South now, but there are a number of places there I’d suggest that have lots of opportunity but aren’t as expensive as DC (Raleigh or Charlotte, for example).

And then what is the job and field (and promotion potential)? Just because it’s a job in DC doesn’t mean it has lots of upward mobility.

Lots to consider. But to answer the question you started with: no, that’s not enough money in my opinion.


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zr7yz wrote

It's 0300, on a 5-7 ladder. I'm in the worse Carolina, I'll put it that way. I have looked into Charlotte, but it's much more of a car dependant place than the District, so it feels like a non-starter as someone who can't drive.


LuciusAurelian t1_j6zsdog wrote

If you get a roommate you can do it. You'll be skrimping and probably rent burdened, but you'll live.

What job series? Is there opportunity to jump onto a higher ladder after GS7?


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zsx9l wrote

0304 iirc?... and I am not sure. I'd probably jump into another series if that would be possible without taking a huge pay cut, or try to contract if everything else fails.


The_4th_Little_Pig t1_j6zwm5u wrote

Just to let you know that’s a very irregular ladder, I was a 5 in DC five years ago and it was rough. Just be prepared to not be able to afford much, but if you can transition to a different ladder and series after your first year shoot for something that at least leads to a 12.


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zxvay wrote

Interesting. I had always thought the more common ladders were on the lower end. The sad thing to me is I have been applying for all these 1302 roles in contracting thinking that 3 years of purchasing experience will do the trick.. apparently it doesnt if I lack knowledge of FERS shrug so I feel locked out of those more common ladders that go from 7-11/12.


The_4th_Little_Pig t1_j6zynfy wrote

Do you have a bachelors degree? I started with a 5/7/9/12


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zzl5p wrote

I do, yes. Political Science. That is the thing, I keep getting denied because "lack of experience" or somesuch.. when I literally have on my resume "Purchasing Assistant, 3 years, 40h/wk".. getting a ladder like you mentioned would be awesome.


The_4th_Little_Pig t1_j700ruf wrote

If you recently graduated apply for pathways program jobs, if not get your year of experience and start applying for better jobs. If I could recommend something, look for someone who specializes in writing degrees for federal jobs and pay to have your resume made, that will help you a lot.


indecisivewandering OP t1_j702f4e wrote

I sadly graduated in 2020 over Rona, so hiring freeze + L + Uncertainty. I will look into getting my resume rewritten.. could very well be a good.. what,$80 well spent? If it means I can finally snag a GS7 I'd be a lot happier and comfortable moving.


solidrecommendations t1_j6zrzl9 wrote

The one thing you’ve got right is that you won’t need a car if you live in DC. And busses within DC are free beginning in July and I believe city residents will also get a $100/mo subsidy to use on Metrorail.

Still, a GS-7 is sort of the bare minimum I’d consider for DC (with roommates). You might need to look far outside of the district on a metro line to live a manageable lifestyle.


Wizardof1000Kings t1_j70b8qw wrote

You won't be able to afford living near the metro. You'd better figure out how you are going to get to it.


EC_dwtn t1_j6zwzai wrote

I'm from one of the cities in the south that people say has a lot of opportunity, but one of the first things I noticed when I moved here was how many people with disabilities seemed to be living independently (commuting to work on the Metro, hanging out at bars and restaurants, etc).

Normally I'd tell someone not to move on that salary, but in OP's case there could be a lot of benefits that aren't available in 98% of the rest of America.


roofrat69 t1_j6zwbat wrote

Love this attitude. As long as you’re willing to tolerate roommates and generally stick to dive bars, you’ll be fine. Btw, that’s the best way to do DC anyway. At least it was. Fuck the wharf.


indecisivewandering OP t1_j6zxa1d wrote

Barring my medical condition getting out of control (I had some doc lie to me about a retina detachment.. turns out I just need regular monitoring), I'll be in a lot better place mentally. I'd be totally good with dive bars, Black Cat metal nights (got to see The Hu before I left, good times), and not spending all my money on booze.


RagingOrgyNuns t1_j70t883 wrote

There is a COLA for DC. My spouse is GS 9 (I think) and DC has a pretty good adjustment.

And it is totally possible to live here while making 50K. Yes, you will need housemates/flatmates, but not "roommates." I was making $14/hour and doing fine with housemates when I moved here.

Just look for a group house for the best bargain. Maybe near American University, Howard University, or Catholic University where other people will be looking to share (not just undergrads, but grad students as well).


indecisivewandering OP t1_j71xl7o wrote

> There is a COLA for DC.

Regarding the COLA, is that posted when there's a job available on USAJobs, in general? I always assumed it was, but around here because things are so "cheap" (they're really not) you often get employers hiring for a range of 40-60k... then obviously hiring at the lower number. The range I saw for this position was offering much more than 40k but I am going in with the assumption I'll earn nothing since I'm just starting out in the federal service.