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[deleted] t1_j75hp75 wrote

I’m sort of scared to even write this but saw a thread on twitter last week about what terrible tippers people are and a bunch of people who drive for delivery services were agreeing at how awful 20-25% is on big orders. I felt guilty realizing that’s apparently a cheap tip now … but also that’s on top of a “delivery fee” and a “service fee.” The perspective of the thread is that if you’re being bourgeoise enough to have people bring food to your door you should be compensating them hugely, and I guess I get that to a degree but it also feels counterproductive. Case in point, I skipped a restaurant outing with friends as well as a fallback delivery plan tonight because $70 for a mid-tier entree + shared app + drink or $45 for a pizza was not worth it, and I can’t be the only person in that boat — it doesn’t seem sustainable (maybe I’m being naive?). I don’t want to be a cheap asshole who only tips the bare minimum of 20% but I can’t afford to pay double what a dish costs with everything (tax + tip + fees) added on.


ArmAromatic6461 t1_j76n6s3 wrote

20-25% isn’t cheap — don’t base anything off of a twitter thread.


Arkhikernc t1_j76jeza wrote

I never get delivery anymore because added fees have made it way too expensive. But I live alone. Maybe if you are ordering for a whole family it would be different.


DemureCynosure t1_j76pzm9 wrote

I have a whole family. It's not different.

I stopped ordering take out and started doing pick up only. Then all the crazy dine-in fees and tip culture creeped into pickup orders, so we just cook at home now. We make it part of family time. Having a family in this area is mind-numbingly expensive. Daycare costs are insane. Food costs are going up so fast. As a single person, I wouldn't have noticed a 10-20% difference in my food budget. But feeding a family of 4, plus occasional in-laws/guests, the increases really take a toll on the budget.

So no more restaurants for me for a few years, I guess.


relativelyanonymous t1_j76ixc2 wrote

I don't think this is a you problem. This is a business isn't working correctly problem when the only way the labor can get by is if you're totally paying their wages.


ta112233 t1_j76nvcf wrote

Don’t let them gaslight you. 20% tip is fine.


snailbrarian t1_j76qe7u wrote

i think that argument during the beginning of covid held a lot of weight. i think that argument still holds weight if you're eating in person, inside. you're exposing yourself to a virus that can cripple you for life for fun, but the waiters just have jobs, you know? but a pickup fee is ridiculous. on delivery, i pay 20% on delivery and sometimes that means that takeout from a restaurant isn't in the cards, and i should get takeout from dominos instead, or cook. just because it's not in your budget doesn't mean it's unreasonable.