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metrazol t1_ja7gogr wrote

First run in a bit was not a disaster. Stretch your Achilleses kids!


swampoodler t1_ja7ijdo wrote

February is almost over. That seems like a good thing.


metrazol t1_ja7jknq wrote

I solved my shin splints that plagued my first year of running. Achilles is new, and being unable to walk up hills due to covid kinda... it's been a rough running season. Goal is to survive the Cherry Blossom.


stache_twista t1_ja7rlzf wrote

Booked my first tee time of the year at East Potomac Park


Here4thebeer3232 t1_ja7zlqb wrote

On my first foreign vacation since the pandemic started. Holy shit this was needed


demarginator t1_ja8ke7o wrote

Passed my engineering license exam last week, then had a great trip to NY over the weekend. Saw two Broadway shows, ate lots of delicious celiac-safe food, had dinner with some family, walked all over, used the more-efficient subway system, and finally saw the One World Trade Center. Last time I had been there it was still a big hole in the ground surrounded by fencing covered with missing person signs. Still a very moving experience. I'm glad I have the time and money now to do weekend trips like this, and it really just feels like an extension of home with how easy it is to get there and back.


born_to_kvetch t1_ja8lnm0 wrote

As someone also flirting with middle age, I would never go back to my youth. Bad decisions and being broke. I still occasionally make bad decisions but now have the funds to fix them. And just general funds to buy things I want as a treat.


Sk8rGrlx3AtAimDotCom t1_ja9kpiw wrote

Last night, The Dubliner hosted the Guinness Perfect Pint Competition for bartenders around the DMV. Anyone know who won, or what is to come?


Baloncesto t1_jaae770 wrote

Taking a break from booze for a bit so feeling good. I've got lots of travel coming up and the potential for a new job, so lots of stuff on the horizon! And good weather soon, hopefully!