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alexandradec t1_j92u9lg wrote

It's not very self-aware to link to someone's post about being in such a desperate situation where they have no choice but to live in their car, while asking for tips on how to live in your car for fun while making $95k a year


jamesjeffriesiii t1_j92uhmc wrote

you don't know anything about my situation, or my family's dysfunction. this isn't fun. offer something helpful or leave me alone.


alexandradec t1_j92v4cf wrote

I only know what you wrote in your post. You want to move out, but think renting an apartment is a waste of money or costs too much money. But you do make enough money to rent an apartment if you wanted to.

My helpful advice would be to lower your housing costs by getting a roommate/renting a room. Then when you've increased your income enough to where it feels worth the cost, then you could upgrade to your own place


jamesjeffriesiii t1_j92vdq4 wrote

I asked if anyone had legitimate advice about sleeping in their car in the area. Thanks.
