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keyjan t1_ja5kc24 wrote

Probably by mistake. I used to work across the street from a government building (which is no longer there); one morning, I looked out the window and saw their flag was upside down. At lunch I walked across the street and asked the guard at the desk what was wrong, since they were flying an international distress signal on their flagpole. The guard burst out laughing and basically said, “oops.”


tehruben OP t1_ja5ki2m wrote

Probably the most likely answer - although both are upside down, which led me to think it was intentional?


BrokenJellyfish t1_ja5kqnu wrote

Honestly it's easy to get mixed up which end goes up top. Either that or they did it on purpose and "oh no I oops-ed" if anyone asks them.


keyjan t1_ja5kyfo wrote

Yep. Especially if it’s the kids who run up the flags; bet they thought it was hilarious. (In high school, we ran up the flags. We would also occasionally run a uniform skirt up the flagpole.)


tehruben OP t1_ja5kxt3 wrote

Sounds about right - I’m going to be riding again tomorrow, I’ll check to see if it’s still like this.


SandBoxJohn t1_ja7h7ft wrote

I asked the same question of the post mistress at my local Post Office on the Easter Shore a couple of years ago. Got the same answer minus the laugh.


Texasforever1992 t1_ja5vrcb wrote

Most likely just someone not knowing/paying attention to what they were doing. It could be a distress signal, but I feel like there are so many other easier ways to signal distress that this isn’t that, despite that being what it’s supposed to indicate.


tehruben OP t1_ja5vyhi wrote

Yeah I think that’s been the general consensus - strange both of them were. I’ll check again tomorrow!


HalcyonDias t1_ja7pvyz wrote

No, it’s upside down because clearly their ship is in distress and taking on water.


BeholdAComment t1_ja5ssv8 wrote

Fyi: this neighbor isn't anacostia, though it is off of the anacostia trail; it's called Parkside Mayfair, near deanwood


tehruben OP t1_ja5tfd9 wrote

👍🏼 I was probably confused as school is on Anacostia Ave, and it’s right on the Anacostia River, on the Anacostia trail.


camelot478 t1_ja6zr3t wrote

I was on flag patrol most of my time in school and trust me accidents happen - have been chewed out for this before 😂


blueeeyeddl t1_ja7htok wrote

The school is in a hostage situation & should be freed ASAP.


EducationPlus505 t1_ja8h9vd wrote

I think this may be to commemorate the passage of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, which placed the District under Congressional control. This removed people's citizenship as part of either Maryland or Virginia, meaning they no longer had voting rights.

I'm a transplant, so I didn't really think much about the date. But the Council of DC mentioned it on Twitter today here.


GeraltofRivi4 t1_ja7q4b7 wrote

An upside down flag usually means someone is in distress. I’m gonna assume it’s a prank tho


CashofLegend t1_ja82jgl wrote

Hopefully that is a joke, but an American flag upside down is to signal distress.


fvb955cd t1_ja8ael5 wrote

Load the cannon and ready the sails, that thar be a building that has been ravaged by pirates.


XxSephyxX t1_ja7d4x1 wrote

Also this isn’t Educare. Educare doesn’t have any flags to my knowledge.


Ecstashae t1_ja8nba9 wrote

Lets be honest here WW3 is currently here. Even if it is an accidental. Mind as well leave it like that this country is fighting a mental/psychological war and financial struggle. And you got Russia and Ukraine going at it. And you got china spying on us.


tehruben OP t1_ja9bh3x wrote

Update: as far as I could tell on my ride this morning (no wind) it was still upside down.


ZonaPunk t1_ja800hc wrote

DC government employee at their finest. I bet it sits there all day because no one can be bothered to fix it as its not their job.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_ja67t16 wrote

DCPS lost a young and very beloved teacher unexpectedly this week. Some flags were at half mast as a result. I don't know if this would be related.


aup123 t1_ja9hx5l wrote

Upside down flags is only meant to be done "as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."

So its probably a mistake or kids are playing a joke.


tehruben OP t1_ja6aab8 wrote

I was wondering if it was related! That was my initial thought.


Leather-Ad-580 t1_ja6klow wrote

This is happening way too often. This signal should not be joked about. It’s disgusting if it’s not real. .


SkyeMreddit t1_ja67um3 wrote

The upside down flags signify “America is in Distress”. A few Democrats did it during the Trump presidency so now the Trumpers are doing it. Doesn’t appear to be anything online that they would be protesting


aup123 t1_ja9ibmm wrote

Anacostia isnt exactly MAGA country...


SubstantialCity8138 t1_ja7bzes wrote

Lol let’s be honest, it’s anacostia. Not that smart over there.


missjennielang t1_jaa2i2h wrote

Feeling pretty damn smart with my lovely neighbors and how much the last couple years of development has raised our property values.