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candidshark t1_ja8wymx wrote

I love CorePower and feel the same way. It's intimidating if you're new to the format and don't have the fitness to get through class. But once you do it a few times you realize no one is watching you or judging you.


FreedomJarFIRE t1_ja92x3l wrote

Word. I was highly skeptical/cynical at first and had a lot of preconceived notions about what I'd encounter. Thus far has not proven true. I started at 1x/week with zero expectations and making minimal effort in class just to get myself in the routine, and have started to increase how often I go and how much effort I put in now that I'm a little more comfortable. If it weren't for the 5-10min of waiting in the lobby before class I would recognize zero people, often I don't even know who's to my immediate left or right during class.

No meathead gym bros peacocking, no thinkfluencers filming their butts, no personal trainers going drill sergeant on you. I think I heard once from the coach "you can go for a heavier weight, this should be harder to do!" and I just said "I'm just trying to get into the routine of showing up and moving" and they were supportive.

Mind you this is in a new studio in a far less type-A city, YMMV in the DMV :)