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gator_fl t1_ja8dy04 wrote

Those event companies are mostly a terrible way to get to know the embassy and you're paying for okay food. Sometimes awkward scene.

Best to subscribe to mailing lists and get to know embassy staff. They'll invite you to the better events, you'll meet their community and friends and almost always free.

Also their lobbyist entity/"Friends of the Embassy " and other affinity groups if they exist.

Passport DC/Embassy open house coming this May but likely long lines.


amatterofland OP t1_ja8khnh wrote

I was afraid of that - thanks for confirming! And thanks so much for the other recommendations!! Will check those out. Used to love the open houses, but yes, everyone knows about them now!


brooklynbridgewi t1_jab2ale wrote

I’ve heard there’s an email listserv for embassy events like this. Any leads in how to get on this or find the friends of the embassy groups?


gator_fl t1_jabbkr2 wrote

There were a lot more of that pre-covid ( ) but they almost all shut down. Maybe the Diplomat newspaper.

Just go to embassies of interest's websites and see if they have a mailing list.