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keyjan t1_ja4ggqr wrote

>The Cemetery is open from dawn to dusk daily.


puttinonthefoil t1_ja4rqbf wrote

It really is not.

It’s open if you have a dog and a dog pass, but you can’t just show up and walk through there.

I’ve grown to find that place really annoying, I would love to walk around in there and you can’t.

I got tossed out one day last year when it was snowing hard, and people were all in there walking their dogs and whatnot, so I just strolled in only to be confronted by a security guard.


puttinonthefoil t1_ja9wvzm wrote

I have lived near there for years and every time I try to go into the main gate they ask me for a pass. How do you get in?

I would guess I’ve attempted this 5-7 times and never been allowed in, so I gave up.