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Good47Life t1_jaccr5m wrote

My daughter and I were spending about as much as you Giant/TJs/Costco, and occasionally WFs. We decided to cut way back, so we make meals for the week on Sunday using dried beans like lentils, red beans and fresh veggies. We have meatless dinners with baked sweet potato for me and regular baked potato for her, plus fixins. This past Sunday we made a large pot of lentil soup which will last 5-6 days, and we can freeze it. We vary it each night by having rice with it or avocado, greens etc so it doesn’t get boring. Neither one of us eat three meals a day, so we keep fresh fruit, yogurt, nuts, etc for mid day. If I happen to have a big lunch with friends or coworkers, I will just have a very light “dinner”. Lots of apples and peanut butter. My only splurge is wine, lol. I need that in my life.