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Unusual-Relief-9409 OP t1_j9l6iz2 wrote

Why does the crime happen though? I would expect police or law enforcement to destroy all these gangs especially if it’s near the White House


TheMostSarcastic t1_j9l6n4i wrote

Do you seriously think there are gangs operating near the White House?


super_derp69420 t1_j9l8976 wrote

Well that's what everyone is saying in butfuck nowheresville where OP is from


brcogar t1_j9lq9vt wrote

Maybe they consider the Senate a gang?


vanzeppelin t1_j9l9nbf wrote

Nah this is a troll. "why does crime happen" are you serious? That's a question a 5 year old would ask. Crime happens literally everywhere. More people in an area equals more crime.