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Acoustic_Ginger t1_j8rl3c0 wrote

no one will make me believe he's the only one


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j8t7op1 wrote

Well, he wasn’t placed on leave until Feb ‘22, so there likely a whole lot of complicit cops still there, even if he was the only one dumb enough to get caught texting Tarrio.

> Tarrio asked Lamond what the police department’s “general consensus” was about the Proud Boys. “That’s too complicated for a text answer,” Lamond replied. “That’s an in-person conversation over a beer.”

I feel bad for this guys lawyer who has to spin “let’s have a beer” into “my client in no way supports the hateful and divisive agenda of any of the various groups that came to DC to protest…”


Evening_Chemist_2367 t1_j8up57k wrote

He isn't the only one. There's video of MPD officers fistbumping Proud Boys, and looking the other way/doing nothing while Proud Boys were assaulting random people in the streets of DC, there was the incident of MPD officers heckling Fanone at the Congressional Awards ceremony where they recognized the defenders and the injured police officers.

MPD has a problem, I do not at all think Lamond was the only one, they need to do some serious house cleaning.