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thebenron t1_j8rqp4w wrote

Reminder that several people on this sub thought it was good actually that the PB had MPD on speed dial when the first details of this collaboration broke.


djslarge t1_j8s48lq wrote

Something about this subreddit makes everyone become total bootlickers when it comes to cops. I remember when it was revealed cops shot someone they mistook for a suspect, and the general consensus was “everyone makes mistakes.”


maynardftw t1_j8s500l wrote

> Something about this subreddit makes everyone become total bootlickers when it comes to cops.

There's a lot of idiots here with a lot of privilege and money. It's the DC area.


djslarge t1_j8s56m7 wrote

Yeah, but on other topics, DC is very progressive and open-minded. But with cops, any type of criticism or questioning is met with downvotes and bad faith arguments


ASAPSocky t1_j8sgldc wrote

This subreddit is also frequently targeted by right wing fucktards who don't live here


maynardftw t1_j8s6450 wrote

Because the people with downvotes and bad faith arguments only care about the cop shit. Everything else they can stay quiet about and vote.

That's not true, they're also very vocal about homeless people whenever it comes up.

EDIT: They found the post.


djslarge t1_j8sb0xy wrote

Yeah, cops and homeless people make them lose their minds


Dr_Midnight t1_j8stj76 wrote

If there's one thing consistent about practically every single regional subreddit, it's this.


cubgerish t1_j8shr43 wrote

It's funny to me because I agree with you on the subreddits behavior, but almost every person I know in DC is not actually like that.

The cops are so incompetent that even the property owners don't like them.

It's just an online thing.

I'd guess it's just because it's a place where they can mute the ridicule and still feel right when they fall asleep in Dad's apartment.


djslarge t1_j8sm0sx wrote

See, what frustrates me is that they see cops are incompetent, but if the police budget decreases, they go insane.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j8stylt wrote

And let's face it, there's a lot of rural bigots moving to DC the last few years too. Hell just yesterday I saw a fellow on Subredditdrama saying some racist shit and when I checked his post history it was mostly PoliticalCompassMemes, NOVA and this sub. Talks about how the 'confederacy did nothing wrong' and how they used to live in a rural area and how 'feminism ruined everything' when posting on PCM but in this sub he's very 'non-controversial' 'law and order' (wink wink) and gets the upvotes for that.


SgtPeppy t1_j8tkrr6 wrote

There's a very good chance they don't even live around DC. A lot of people brigade city subreddits, and DC is like, one of the most liberal bastions in the country so that goes doubly here.

(Case in point, they don't like being called out and I am now negative)


thebenron t1_j8s5go3 wrote

It vacillates wildly.

I made comments in the thread on the cop convicted of killing Karon Hylton-Brown saying that statements made by cops about the people they shoot should not be taken as fact that was well received, but when I said essentially the same thing about MPD shooting someone this week, it was downvoted into oblivion.

I think people just really have a hard time maintaining a coherent understanding of what policing is, because it's so much easier to believe the comforting lie that is hammered into our brains about it.


djslarge t1_j8s5lum wrote

Yeah, it’s difficult to be told that cops are there to protect and serve and the reality is, in the nicest words possible, no they are not!!!


makemeking706 t1_j8snber wrote

> Something about this subreddit

Two things are at work. First is that DC is probably the closet thing we have to a sub about the federal government, so it attracts many people from elsewhere who use it as a stand in. Second, certain subjects are heavily influenced/astroturfed across reddit. I am a member of a few subs that rarely get posts with 20+ comments, let alone hundreds of comments. That is, unless certain keywords pop up in the title and then look out.


djslarge t1_j8snko9 wrote

Seems weird that people use a subreddit about DC to get insight on the federal government. Aren’t there better subreddits than just this one, where it’s more about the people who live in DC separate from Congress


makemeking706 t1_j8snzw4 wrote

> to get insight

They don't come here for the insights. A lot of subs dedicated to major cities have this same problem. There is probably an element of the urban hate that runs through a lot of conservative talking points at work.


Graham_Elmere t1_j8y0z5w wrote

americans, and reddit mouthbreathers specifically have never been able to separate:

Washington DC - the great city to live in


Washington DC - THE SWAMP

so this sub gets a lot of topical discussion from incel dipshits that live in their parents' idaho basements

i remember guys arguing with me about like, seth rich's route home who very obviously have never visited the east coast of the united states much less DC specifically

hell we had multiple fake news influence campaigns in this sub during the BLM protests - anyone remember the day that all these fake accounts were pouring in to say that the federal government shut off internet / cell data downtown one night?


Most_kinds_of_Dirt t1_j8sstqs wrote

I'm sure brigadiers factor into it, but a less comfortable truth is that there's a lot of internalized racism and class discrimination among the young white professionals who live in DC and frequent this subreddit - and discussions about police and homelessness tends to draw those attitudes out.

Unlearning internalized racism and class discrimination takes work - and there's no guarantee that people in this subreddit have done that work just because they live in D.C. or vote for progressive Democrats.


burrowowl t1_j8so9vp wrote

> “everyone makes mistakes.”

Everyone does make mistakes. People aren't angry because cops make mistakes, even when those mistakes get innocent people killed.

People are angry because there are no consequences for those mistakes. If I make a mistake that gets someone killed, no matter how innocent and understandable that mistake is, my license gets yanked, I am unhirable, and I work at Subway for minimum wage for the rest of my life. If a cop does it nothing happens.

Similarly people aren't mad that there are corrupt cops, incompetent cops, malicious bad faith bully bastard cops. It is impossible to filter those out at the hiring process 100% of the time.

People are angry because those cops are protected instead of fired and or prosecuted.


djslarge t1_j8soijf wrote

I agree, but that was not what the commenters were saying on that post. They were using it as a defense, a justification for cops shooting an innocent person based on mistake identity


burrowowl t1_j8sp1yn wrote

Right. What I mean is that even "everyone makes mistakes" is not a good excuse. Even if we take the bootlickers at face value it's still not good enough.


djslarge t1_j8sp52v wrote

Do they ever have good points?


burrowowl t1_j8sq4zf wrote

I would be hard pressed to come up with a reasonable argument to defend extra judicial killing of people.


djslarge t1_j8sqght wrote



burrowowl t1_j8syv3e wrote

I love it when small government don't tread on me libertarians defend the cops.

Any regulations on me or railroad companies transporting WW1 era WMDs is tyranny and oppression. Gunning down "those people" is law and order.


djslarge t1_j8syyeb wrote

Sad that a lot of liberals share these opinions too


SgtPeppy t1_j8tkeeb wrote

Not just cops - crimeposting in general attracts the most smoothbrained, vengeful takes here.

It's actually pretty common in a lot of city subreddits and I always wonder how much of it is just brigading (which is absolutely something the right loves to do) and how much is NIMBYism.


ImAMistak3 t1_j8tmrfz wrote

I mean... True... Most people make mistakes. It's just most mistakes don't result in an innocent person being fucking shot 🤦🏽‍♂️


Own_Literature_2790 t1_j8t276x wrote

It’s Babby’s First City for people from around the country, many of whom are here for work and otherwise would not have ever moved out of the creche. Some of them can’t handle it at all and basically go full Rahowa immediately, if they weren’t already on that path.

All of them are redditors.


Where_is_it_going t1_j8s266c wrote

Maury povich voice:

Your top comment said that it sounds like they were just talking about the event permitting process

The tests have determined that was a lie