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burrowowl t1_j8so9vp wrote

> “everyone makes mistakes.”

Everyone does make mistakes. People aren't angry because cops make mistakes, even when those mistakes get innocent people killed.

People are angry because there are no consequences for those mistakes. If I make a mistake that gets someone killed, no matter how innocent and understandable that mistake is, my license gets yanked, I am unhirable, and I work at Subway for minimum wage for the rest of my life. If a cop does it nothing happens.

Similarly people aren't mad that there are corrupt cops, incompetent cops, malicious bad faith bully bastard cops. It is impossible to filter those out at the hiring process 100% of the time.

People are angry because those cops are protected instead of fired and or prosecuted.


djslarge t1_j8soijf wrote

I agree, but that was not what the commenters were saying on that post. They were using it as a defense, a justification for cops shooting an innocent person based on mistake identity


burrowowl t1_j8sp1yn wrote

Right. What I mean is that even "everyone makes mistakes" is not a good excuse. Even if we take the bootlickers at face value it's still not good enough.


djslarge t1_j8sp52v wrote

Do they ever have good points?


burrowowl t1_j8sq4zf wrote

I would be hard pressed to come up with a reasonable argument to defend extra judicial killing of people.


djslarge t1_j8sqght wrote



burrowowl t1_j8syv3e wrote

I love it when small government don't tread on me libertarians defend the cops.

Any regulations on me or railroad companies transporting WW1 era WMDs is tyranny and oppression. Gunning down "those people" is law and order.


djslarge t1_j8syyeb wrote

Sad that a lot of liberals share these opinions too