Submitted by washingtonpost t3_10qzjdl in washingtondc

From Tom: Thanks so much for this lively discussion. I've had a ball. So many good questions! Please feel free to join me on my weekly Wednesday chat at 11 a.m. Here's the link:

Note: We took some questions in advance yesterday. So much great stuff here, thanks all for participating today!

Hey all, Tom Sietsema here. Happy to answer your restaurant-related questions and solve your dining dilemmas, like how to best switch tables in the middle of a meal or what to do if the server doesn’t pour all the contents of a bottle of wine.

I like to keep the format broad and open; recent Q&As I've done elsewhere have touched on tales of misbehaving dogs and when to let restaurants know about dietary restrictions.

Got an etiquette question? Want to know where to find a favorite dish? Or where to eat in another city? I aim to field those questions, too. Thanks for having me in this sub!



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