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sporkityfork t1_jdt3l59 wrote

Meanwhile the metro was perfect... I was laughing at the car chaos today.


MammothBobcat251 t1_jdt9kcb wrote

My friend took the train from DCA and it took over two hours due to how packed the train was.


SluggingAndBussing t1_jdtbfvt wrote

Something tells me they tried to use Smithsonian.

Edit: I happened to make several trips on Blue between Eisenhower Ave and Foggy Bottom today and there were no issues. A few of the trains were decently packed but only one or two were near regular rush hour level, as far as I could tell. I didn’t see a huge crowd of people waiting to board at DCA or anything.


MammothBobcat251 t1_jdtckyx wrote

That’s good to know. But no on Smithsonian. his train was full when he got on at DCA and there were delays at every stop because people were trying to get on a full train. Sounds like an exception not the rule for the day.


TellMeYMrBlueSky t1_jdw8igb wrote

Could also be whatever car he got on. I took the Blue from Alexandria to Smithsonian around 5pm yesterday and sat in the front car of the train. My car never got more than half full but at almost every stop from DCA to Smithsonian as we pulled into the station the driver would announce "Folks on the platform move to the ends of the train where there's room. The middle cars are completely full." We sat for probably 5-10 minutes tops at DCA but otherwise there weren't any other holding delays on my train.

But holy shit that crowd coming into Smithsonian around 6pm! Like a sardine can! They didn't even bother with fares. All the fare gates were locked open and a mix of MTPD & station agents (like 4-6 at least) directing the crowd (and probably trying to avoid a crowd crush)


melody_elf t1_jdtpmwk wrote

What? I took the train around all day today and it was fine.


MammothBobcat251 t1_jdunctm wrote

If you read through this sub and look at the Washington problems Insta you will see that many people had the same experience with metro today. Certain lines at certain times were a hot mess. Lucky you you didn’t get caught in that.


ahoypolloi_ t1_jdt81oc wrote

Same! We got there before noon and left just a bit after. Didn’t even bother skipping Smithsonian stop. Trains running seemingly constantly, zero issues getting in or out. Car-brains gonna car-brain I guess


super-secret-fujoshi t1_jdte4u0 wrote

Metro was def not normal on the orange line. It took two hours from West Falls Church to Smithsonian. It was only supposed to be a 40 min ride. 🙃


sporkityfork t1_jdtesyt wrote

Silver was crowded but not delayed for us. Guess some lines were worse!


super-secret-fujoshi t1_jdtgely wrote

It was due to the kite flying and taiko performances going on near the Washington Monument. It didn’t help that I went at peak time, and there were so many people on the train that it was creaking badly when it stopped.