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noideawhatisup t1_jdu8hjx wrote

It wasn’t just the cars/drivers that were insane. Cyclists were just going whenever and wherever they pleased without checking blind spots or anything. Pedestrians, I’m guessing mostly out of towners, were just hopping into the middle of major streets to get that perfect pic. Crosswalks? What are those? Apparently the cherry blossom admirers believed they all had mutant-like force field powers today. Either that or they just didn’t give a single fuck about their lives or the lives of the drivers they’d ruin all to get a picture of some goddamned trees blooming.

(Edit: Sorry for the rant; my blood boiled at several points today while driving and while walking my dog).


rlpw t1_jdusbyr wrote

When there’s more people on the sidewalk than people in cars - they should walk in the streets. If I were biking (I was) or walking (at some point I was too), I would just walk between and through cars because they weren’t moving anyway 😂


dassketch t1_jduzy5g wrote

Gawker event happens every year at roughly same time every year. You: shocked and appalled at that you can't just drive through the middle of said gawker event in a timely manner. Even though that area is rife with traffic at the best of times!

I wonder how people who live near massive stadiums handle peak sports ball season. You know, with the milling crowds of people walking everywhere. How dare they?

You sound like the kind of person who would unironically complain about a protest - "that's a shame, but do they have to complain about that here, where it inconveniences me?"


noideawhatisup t1_jdv47ks wrote

Awwww. Thanks for making such an assumption. I’ve actually lived by several large sports stadiums throughout my years on this fine planet. Most people seem to understand they can get hit by cars if they go in the streets in those big cities. Not sure why you think DC should be different than LA, Anaheim, Seattle, or, oh wait, Chinatown in DC… they are way worse down by the blossoms.

And I fully support peaceful protests, especially when people don’t litter. Littering is not friendly. Which is something else that the oh so lovely cherry blossom tourists do a shit ton of.

Have a lovely Monday and enjoy the sun!
