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rolo-lolo t1_jed1w50 wrote

It’s usually a very quiet stop but lately it’s had several incidents.


quelcris13 t1_jedr08e wrote

I was watching the news and they said that used to be one of the worst stops before crime went down


DarknessOverLight12 t1_jee158h wrote

I'm 29. I lived literally 3 blocks away from this station since I was 7. It's kinda weird because despite alot of the area being "hood" for almost 20 years, it was relatively safe. I never felt in danger walking into that station as a kid. All shootings and robberies tended to happen in the next stop over at RFK stadium. After gentrification happened with all these trendy bars, restaurants, and condos came up, that's when crime skyrocketed in the last 5 years at the station for some odd reason


quelcris13 t1_jee1aca wrote

I mean it makes sense people are going to target the ones going to trendy bars and living in nice apartments cuz they got money. You gonna rob the dude living down the street who is as broke as you or are you going to go after the new ignorant suburbanite who never lived in a big city before?


DarknessOverLight12 t1_jee2z3s wrote

You got a point there


quelcris13 t1_jee3qkg wrote

When I lived in LA and was in a middle - low class neighborhood I never got fucked with. Then I moved to million dollar home in the suburbs (I rented a guest house and paid cheap rent I am not rich) and my place was broken into yearly while I was living there.


MarkinDC24 t1_jeedv1j wrote

I’ve lived in the District for almost 10 years. Before the area gentrified, you are right, it was incredibly safe. I used to go to the (old) Harris Teeter all the time by the metro, and there was never a problem. The blocks around the metro seem incredibly unsafe now.


202reddit t1_jeehcbn wrote

Pro tip: If you are referencing the time long ago when you used to go to the Harris Teeter in DC, you didn't live here long ago to speak to what it was like before things changed.


Sluzhbenik t1_jef24rd wrote

Go ahead and keep the gate, but that Harris Teeter opened 15 years ago. Long ago is relative.


MarkinDC24 t1_jeejmae wrote

Oh. I pass that old (Harris Teeter) grocery store area every other week, since i frequent a newer grocery store a few blocks away. I was trying to convey, I used to walk around the area every other week, and now I wouldn’t after a certain time period. The development has brought a lot and it seems like crime has followed. Even if a new grocery store goes into the old Harris Teeter building, I will pass on getting groceries there after work/in the evening - like I used to do at the old Harris Teeter.