Submitted by Space_Cowboy_Dancer t3_126xepz in washingtondc

This post is in regards to one posted earlier today by someone else. I thought the intent was good even if it was worded poorly. TL;DR What can we do as individuals to lower the crime rate in our area?

A problem has definitely been identified by multiple people in the DC area. There has been multiple incidents in Navy Yard specifically within this last week and crime has seemingly been increasing. The main crime lately seems to be car-jackings.

What are some ways to be an active participant and assist in lowering the crime rate in the area? Besides locking my doors and hiding all valuables what should be done?

On a more personal note, at the 909 apartment complex, people have had their cars stolen straight out of the garage within this last week.

Looking for thoughts on solutions for what seems to be a growing problem.



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expartecthulu t1_jebquwr wrote

It should be obvious, but just report criminal activity. And, in the first instance, to MPD, not Reddit. I’m not talking about someone smoking weed where they’re not supposed to or rolling through a stop sign.

I work in a federal building. Last year, I saw one kid hand a gun off to another right outside. I asked our guards to call the police; they wouldn’t since, I guess, right outside isn’t their job. Another employee standing outside suggested not bothering because “they’re all the way down the block by now” and “not hurting anyone.”

So I called, police showed up in about two minutes (I guess because a gun was involved) and they were arrested. This was downtown and I don’t think they were planning to use that gun to knock over soda cans.

It might not be your problem today, but it will be some other poor person’s (and it might be your problem tomorrow).


4RunnerPilot t1_jec4njb wrote

Just because they were arrested doesn’t mean they were prosecuted or charged. Most likely they were let go and the gun confiscated. Citizens need to pressure the USAO and judges to put criminals in prisons. It’s a small number of continuous repeat offenders that commit crime and they will do so until they kill and only then the judges will hand out sentences out of public pressure.


mastakebob t1_jee726p wrote

You're not wrong. But people should still report criminal activity to the police. It creates data that can be used to support systemic change. It may prevent a crime from occurring (even if it only delays it).


ladakn99 t1_jec5hr1 wrote

I hope you did the second part and reported the incident to the guards higher ups with an arrest record. This would force the guards to actually do their jobs..


FIFA95_itsinthegame t1_jec2ur9 wrote

Mutual aid.

Vote for politicians committed to poverty reduction.

That’s the only thing that will actually make a dent.


celj1234 t1_jebgda9 wrote

As a individual? There is very little you can personal do to lower the crime rate outside of not commuting crimes.