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SmartFastStrong t1_jdsek7g wrote

100% of women in DC are murdered. Only come if you want to be next. I post this from the grave.


HanaBothWays t1_jdsf55x wrote

Before COVID I, a lady person, would frequently commute into the city all by myself via public transportation for work, and I never got murdered.


NealioSpace t1_jdswxsf wrote

Yeah, it ain’t nothin’ like the 80’s when I grew up there and murdered all the time. Had a record going for a while...Mayor Barry and I used to ride Metro with Cocaine Bear all night!


dealio- t1_jdsep9k wrote

What cities would you say feel unsafe? NYC? A comparison might help. I think any place can be dangerous especially in the US, a shooting can happen in a grocery store y'know?


shaunstudies t1_jdshg0f wrote

Is the USA capital safe for half the population? What kind of question is this.


iimplodethings t1_jdsjlmx wrote

It's ridiculous but it's the kind of question someone might have after watching one of the major cable news channels in the US that likes to talk about how dangerous cities are ad nauseam


iimplodethings t1_jdsgki3 wrote

Yes, it's totally fine.

Depends what part of NYC and what part of DC you're talking about but the touristy parts of DC are generally more chill than the touristy parts of NYC (to me)


engee45 t1_jdshe7d wrote

Do you know which neighborhoods are more sketchy in DC?