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bageloclock t1_jcfqyfs wrote

I think this is honestly more about neighborhood than anything; it’s quite a generalization to say people who rent older units are all wealthy. I come from a middling background (single mom public school teacher in the Midwest), but I’ve avoided the “shoebox” luxury buildings because they’re frankly way out of my price range.

Take our case. We’re in Brookland in a 2B2B, rent-controlled condo. The price for a 2B in one of the new-build apartments on Monroe is anywhere from $300-$1200 more a month than what we’re paying. To us, the extra amenities and potential for issues like OP is having were frankly not worth it in our calculation.

just offering another perspective!


Appropriate-Ad-4148 t1_jcgczaj wrote

That's true. If you're paying $2,000 a month for 2/2 that's a great deal anywhere in D.C. proper. I guess I'm saying people cast judgement on new, small apartments with nice finishes when they've never really checked the prices.

They have 2/2 950 SF units on the 2nd and 3rd floor right now for $2700-3k here.

Do you have in unit W/D or central HVAC?


bageloclock t1_jcgg52v wrote

Yes! And a parking spot though our street is never crowded.

I should also add I’ve always had a better experience with a landlord who owns their unit than corporate.

On top of everything else, the buildings owned by big corporations seem to nickel and dime you, plus it’s much more difficult to contest your security deposit deductions. Happened to us in our last apartment, a more dated but still corporate-owned building, and it was an unpleasant experience.