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borg359 t1_jcl0yq1 wrote

Not for private trash collection. Here’s the language from the ordinances. The trash compactor is run by a private company.

“Trash collection by private haulers is prohibited between the hours of 9 pm and 7 am in residential, special purpose, or waterfront zones, or within 300 feet of any of these zones. These rules do not apply to Department of Public Works vehicles, only private trash collection companies.”


missjennielang t1_jcl15om wrote

That’s about a hauler not a compactor, OP is not talking about a vehicle. You’re not understanding the use of collection or vehicle


borg359 t1_jclyjva wrote

I’m responding to your claim that all trash services are somehow deemed “necessary” and therefore except from noise ordinances. This paragraph shows that’s clearly false.


missjennielang t1_jcn41c0 wrote

The machine would break and the building would be without a necessary service if the machine was allowed to be overfilled denying an entire building use of an essential service. The paragraph you copied has absolutely nothing to do with this situation.


borg359 t1_jcnljek wrote

The machine would break from not being used from 9pm to 7am? Please just STFU already.