Submitted by flugelderfreiheit777 t3_127rpo6 in washingtondc

Long shot but... Looks like I am going out to dinner with my extended family tonight and we are either going to Le Diplomate or Proper21k. Looking at the menu it seems I will be just drinking tonight 🤣. Have any of y'all vegans been to either and had a vegan meal/sides?



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Cool_Story_Bra t1_jeflcs1 wrote

I’d just give them a call and ask. Neither seem like great choices for a vegan, but I doubt you’d be the first at either place and they can probably accommodate you.


Animaled t1_jefloqn wrote

Salade verte and french fries?


ConversationMost6540 t1_jefu06p wrote

I'm vegan and been to Le Dip...they offered me one terribly option devoid of flavor. It was a bed of lettuce with a couple cherry tomatoes. They just took off the goat cheese and egg and replaced it with an olive or two. Honestly, I used to love that place pre-vegan but I can no longer stomach it (literally). May be better off eating beforehand and snacking on bread (which you also may need to check if milk was used to make it).


baudelaireflaneur t1_jegy81p wrote

Le Dip can make the primavera pasta vegan for you using tomato sauce instead of the creamy one. Sometimes I have to press them on it that it's an option they offer (the GM emailed me it as an option).