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DCRealEstateAgent t1_jcvaxvq wrote

I can't envision how one officer ended up trapped in the car and the other one was dragged. I guess the one dragged was holding on to something? And are those officers okay I wonder.

Looks like the kid has been "critical missing" a bunch of times since he was younger. Parents probably never knew he was out stealing cars. Unbelievable that this is the city we live in.


Deanocracy t1_jcvjng7 wrote

When I discuss that the kids are all victims of trauma and need to be removed from their environment in order to stop that… this is an excellent example.

No new laws. Lets enforce current laws on children in broken homes immediately


poobly t1_jcw34om wrote

Foster system is trash. And very few people are adopting older kids. It’s a tough situation. The real solution is to have people who can’t raise them not have kids.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_jcx51za wrote

I went through training and home study to adopt from foster care. They make it very difficult. Goal is always bio parent reunification. It takes years to sever parental rights. And by then, the damage is done. It’s truly a horrible system.


HotCacao t1_jcy0lvk wrote

I am permanent legal guardian to 3 siblings. I can confirm that it takes years, diligence, luck if you can believe it and good legal counsel


Deanocracy t1_jcw8ulq wrote

Forced sterilization versus institutionalization… bold strategy.

One involves enforcing current laws… a common theme in our society which will greatly contribute to its decay… selective enforcement.

The other? Well… i wont characterize it unfavorably


poobly t1_jcwcnl6 wrote

Encouraging broke unwed teenagers to use birth control and decreasing stigma of condoms in black culture is definitely the same as sterilization. Apt comparison.


Zeeformp t1_jcwn6x3 wrote

Do you also believe Michael Jackson was a social eugenicist for writing Wanna be Startin' Somethin' or is it just people on the internet


WinterMedical t1_jcwb6v9 wrote

I truly believe that a great majority of our social problems could be solved by funding and staffing child welfare programs and providing assistance to struggling families including mental health, parenting classes, and respite care.


xanadumuse t1_jcxocx8 wrote

All of those are great ideas but unless you require people to take those classes it won’t be helpful. I highly doubt a lot of these parents are going to take weekly therapy classes, let alone enroll their children in one, especially when society as a whole already thinks seeing a therapist is considered “weak”. I also just think parenting classes wouldn’t work. Some people just shouldn’t be parents. I recently saw this billboard running near CVS on Penn and 12 SE that had a picture of a kid scribbling on a wall with the caption “ aren’t ready for children?”. Early sex education and constant lessons about parenthood should be enforced yet are now being attacked. I understand and agree with all that you say but perhaps I’m not optimistic on the invidual responsibility side of things.


Reit007 t1_jcwx0gv wrote

Exactly, at least in the developed world where war and hunger are not big issues, almost all social challenges are rooted in mental problems and individual or social traumas.


Deanocracy t1_jcwbdg5 wrote

Also… follow the rules on when to “give up”.

Sounds heartless? The children are daily victims.

I bet we can do better.


WinterMedical t1_jcwbqhe wrote

Totally agree. If we could create a safe and loving, clinically appropriate place for these kids it would make a world of difference. Frankly I feel like we just need to focus our energies and money on the youngest, the ones who aren’t totally destroyed yet.


bard_ley t1_jcvrbcz wrote

Move them out of the city ASAP


noideawhatisup t1_jcvvnb1 wrote

How is it the city’s fault? This seems to be the parents’ fault.


bard_ley t1_jcwel2z wrote

I didn’t say it was. My point is to get them away from the negative influences and the ample opportunities to make these mistakes.


drr71-2 t1_jcwkgu1 wrote

17 yr olds stealing cars in DC is unbelievable to you? Do you read the news around here at all? This happens every day.


smokedetective t1_jcxbcl0 wrote

It's a common reality, yet still unbelievable that the nation's capital has such a terrible problem with teenage car jackings. Had the 17 year old killed someone he'd only see jail time until his 21st birthday. Such a joke.