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drr71-2 t1_jcwk34z wrote

Kidnapping and actively attemptimg to murder a law enforcement officer.... a kid should be killed for that by an officer defending his/her life and the livea of their partners. Move along Monday morning quarterback.


underscore_at t1_jcy35zk wrote

Hard disagree. Nobody has that right.


drr71-2 t1_jd01prs wrote

So if a 17 yr old is trying to kill you, the officer can't shoot him.... ok... whatever. I want the officer to do whatever will stop the 17 yr old violent felon as fast as possible to ensure that I live. You want to sacrifice your life for a violent felon's, that's your choice.... don't think that others need to sacrifice their lives like that.


underscore_at t1_jd2sly3 wrote

Characterizing this human being as a “violet felon” is exactly the issue. Maybe you should try empathy.


drr71-2 t1_jd4q36o wrote

He stole a car, had a gun in the car, and was trying to kill someone by dragging him with that stolen definition that is a violent felon.

Where was the felon's "empathy" for the car owner when we he stole it? Where was the felon's "empathy" for the person he was dragging with the car he stole and that person's family who he was trying to deprive of a father, son, friend, etc.? Oh yeah.... I forgot... there's never any fault placed on the criminal fur their actions that led to the end.... it's so much easier to blame others. Take responsibility for your actions if you're caught.


underscore_at t1_jd4ta0e wrote

I wasn’t discussing his actions.


drr71-2 t1_jd57d6w wrote

I know.... that's your problem. You want to ignore the felon's violent crimes and his victims to draw "empathy" for the violent felon. You want to zero out any thoughts or empathy for his victims and the rest of society who have to live in fear of being a victim of a felon with a gun stealing cars and trying to drag people to their death. Where's the empathy for people who want to live in a place where they don't have to fear being a victim to people like your buddy?


underscore_at t1_jd5hl6u wrote

When did I not empathize with the victims? How does not wanting people (“violent felons”) murdered have anything to do with those being assaulted by them?


drr71-2 t1_jd5lclh wrote

You failed to empathize with the victims by denying the victims of the violent felon the right to defend their own lives by using the same level of deadly force the violent felon chooses to use to commit his crimes and inflict fear and suffering on innocent people in an otherwise peaceful society.