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walliewasright42o t1_jch09wi wrote

why focus on just this one law/guy? hands off DC should be for all those ppl in congress who won’t let us do what we want


s1ngapore t1_jch86bf wrote

No thanks, stop trying to lower accountability for criminals who are terrorizing our community.


murphski8 t1_jciodza wrote

"In 2020, DC passed a police reform bill banning chokeholds, prohibiting MPD from hiring officers with a history of serious misconduct, and banning union measures that prevent MPD from firing officers who commit serious offenses like domestic violence, DUIs, and stalking. Last week, Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia introduced a bill to undo DC’s police reform law."

It sounds like this group is protesting criminal activity and those who enable it.


ekkidee t1_jckegcc wrote

DC will always be a colony. There may have been a chance to do it in the aughts, but it ain't happening in this environment. Stronger resistance is called for.