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fronthacker t1_je3cmnc wrote



spanxsayswhaaa t1_je4tcy9 wrote

Yeah lol.

The dumb fucks all got offered free housing, job placement and healthcare and turned it down.

Zero, zilch, nada sympathy the these lazy bums.


QueMasPuesss t1_je4oa9g wrote

“Having experienced traumatic events at city shelters, many unhoused people cannot stomach the idea of living in a group setting. Others no longer trust the D.C. government to provide safe shelter sites. And some can’t fathom life away from those who helped them survive in the encampment.”

I guess we should just legalize encampments indefinitely!


jon20001 t1_je5aksr wrote

Their choice. I know one gentleman who took up the housing offer and it’s incredible how much his life has changed in such a short time.


Kitchen_Software t1_je5dttv wrote

Between this and the crime/cops/OAG nonsense, I feel like this city does a lot of finger-pointing.


Jolly_Freedom1432 t1_je54k90 wrote

Shocking that,

  1. most of them don't have homes still lol, and

  2. that no one on this subreddit cares anymore now that they're gone from their favorite square (which they still can't use because it's now fenced off).

Fucking hell


fronthacker t1_je69ovd wrote

In case anyone still didn't know.

DCist is part of WAMU 88.5, the Washington region's public media and NPR member station. Listen to our regional news at

Article is typical npr trash


Goosehybrid t1_jegvecj wrote

This is the first time I have ever heard anybody speak down on NPR. Maybe I am living in a bubble…