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ezio009 t1_iqkk1a5 wrote

I moved from London, but have spent a lot of time in NYC before moving to DC.


Sensitive_Bet2766 t1_iqkm8hc wrote

I’ve lived in Europe and the US so I feel your pain. European public transport systems have reliable schedules and trains are rarely delayed. As others have stated, DC has one of the best public transportation systems in the US. Frankly, you need to change your expectations in the US sadly. Comparing public transportation in London and DC is like comparing apples to oranges. I wish it were better too, but we have to live in the reality we are in and I don’t see WMATA changing anytime in the near future. I’m just glad we aren’t forced to drive a vehicle like the majority of this country.


veloharris t1_iqkkzl3 wrote

This is one of best public transit cities in the US ... That said COVID and the slow return to the office has effected the robustness of our transit options.