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JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqrql0n wrote

Around mid October. I understand. As someone who grew up watching a lot of American TV, I would love to try the Cheesecake Factory, Taco Bell, The Olive Garden, Panera, Chipotle, Wendy’s, Popeyes. Stuff like that. But I want recommendations of what to try.


solidrecommendations t1_iqrrjn4 wrote

Definitely bring layers (sweater/light jacket). October can be chilly, particularly in the evenings.

You’ve mentioned a lot of chain restaurants. I don’t really go to them, but I get the appeal for someone who’s never had those.

DC has tons of good local restaurants. Definitely think about venturing out from the chains. Rather than listing random restaurants, I’d just suggest browsing the Michelin guide/Google maps/Washingtonian magazine top 100 for ideas. You’ll find plenty of non chain options.


MidnightSlinks t1_iqruoi8 wrote

Oh this comment makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. While I totally get wanting to try those internationally famous restaurants to feel like you've had the American experience, you should be forewarned that the quality of the ingredients used at those types places (Chipotle excepted) is very low and they hide that fact behind loads of sugar and salt (and gigantic portions) that many non-Americans find unappealing. Be prepared for heartburn and feeling very tired if you eat the whole portion.

One of the coolest parts about DC's food scene is that you can eat relatively authentic food from most of the world's continents here. Our most famous immigrant ethnic group in DC is Ethiopian where we have the largest Ethiopian diaspora in the world. Their food is *amazing* and there are lots of options. We also have a ton of Central American restaurants, but you'll want to check about whether they use pork fat in their frying before ordering. My favorite Pakistani restaurants is Sakina Halal Grill. You should eat there and tell us your review!

One very urban American experience is to eat lunch on a weekday from a food truck. They cluster at various places in the city where office workers are. Make sure you are NOT eating from the ones near the museums (low quality, unhealthy food) but the ones farther north where all the office buildings are.


anonymous5520478 t1_iqrya2a wrote

Part of traveling overseas for many Asians, especially for the first time is sharing stories about the mainstream brands they’ve seen or heard about, but actually get to witness in person. I think OP should go to places she’s heard about on TV or in memes.


MidnightSlinks t1_iqsc2i1 wrote

Hence why I never told OP not to go there, just to be aware of what the food will be like lest she think the food is going to be amazing or high quality because America = rich.


ofiuco t1_iqrv4h4 wrote

Especially if you want REAL TACOS!


Pipes_of_Pan t1_iqs0u9m wrote

Don’t listen to the people trying to talk you out of Taco Bell. You’re a tourist! Eat where you want to. If you’re here for two weeks you can eat at all of those places no problem.


MMoskovitz_II t1_iqrvfp1 wrote

I can understand the interest as a tourist, so I would say go ahead and try some of them. There are Chipotles, Paneras, and Popeyes in a lot of places around DC, but also mix it up with good local places.


mofroman t1_iqryiw3 wrote

as others have already said, this list is pretty funny. it's your trip so do what you want, but if you ask me visiting nearly any of these places will be a waste of your visit here (except Popeye's - Popeye's is truly the best). DC is a world-class city when it comes to food, we have some of the best Ethiopian, Thai, Indian, etc etc in the country. PM me if you want some recommendations or just Google your interests.

I'm not sure if I saw anyone reply to the aquarium part yet, but it used to be one of my favorite places to visit in Baltimore. There's also plenty to do around the Inner Harbor if you choose to take a day trip up that way.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqs0b4k wrote

Hahah I’ve heard a lot about popeye’s. Thank you so much! Will definitely plan a visit to the aquarium.


Lobin t1_iqs5obq wrote

Popeye's biscuits are delicious but as dry as the Sahara. If you go for them--and you should--make sure you have a big drink on hand.

Edit: and the Baltimore aquarium is absolutely worth the trip.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqs64h8 wrote

Hahahahha thank you for telling me that! If I get the chance, I’ll make sure I have a drink on hand.


GloomyPapaya t1_iqs5iaj wrote

I’m going to go against the crowd here and say there’s nothing wrong with trying those places - I’d do the same if I were visiting a place with chain restaurants I didn’t have at home. They’re popular for a reason. If you’re here for two weeks, you have plenty of time to try those AND some better local restaurants


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqsajtw wrote

Haha aww thanks!I’ll definitely be trying the local cuisine as well but I would love to try the things I’ve seen growing up too!!


oh_noe t1_iqs8xrz wrote

I just wanted to make sure you know, since you said that you want to avoid pork and wine, that many of the restaurants you've mentioned are not necessarily going to serve halal meat, if that is a concern. Some desserts may be made with alcohol, as well. You may wish to call ahead and check if this is important to you.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqs9ksk wrote

Thank you so much for informing me of that. Yes I’m assuming that not every place will have halal meat. I’ll definitely keep that in mind.


stiffpaint t1_iqryhgw wrote

These are all fast food chain restaurants like how McDonald's or Hardee's are in Pakistan Also almost none of them have halal/vegetarian options besides taco bell and chipotle

You can have the same stuff at better quality in like Dubai

Im a Pakistani that lives in DC. The food scene here is kinda awful lol NY has much better food


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqs0gsp wrote

Hahahahaha alright. So you know what I’m looking for. But if I’m in NYC, I’ll definitely ask you for food recommendations


Tagga25 t1_iqryxyj wrote

Get the some spicy Popeyes chicken….just grab a few slices of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory…everything else is just okay if you want to try…there’s better versions of chipotle and authentic Mexican food elsewhere…wouldn’t recommend Panera…


X2Starbuster t1_iqryqda wrote

Avoid all of those restaurants. Look at top 100 restaurants in Washingtonian restaurants, cheap eats too 100 if you want to save money.


[deleted] t1_iqrrgno wrote



lookbehindyou7 t1_iqrupa9 wrote

All of those places except for maybe theOlive Garden are not far from Metro stations in DC proper, I wouldn't say its worth (edit- it for a tourist) taking the Metro to go to them, but they are available.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqrrn9j wrote

Okay. That’s super helpful. What are some good food options? Pizza or pastas? Any suggestions


VishMeLuck t1_iqrsvnz wrote

As an outsider, even if those restaurants are not great options for local Americans, you would still have fun at these restaurants. Just don’t go to McDonalds.


makemeking706 t1_iqrwhol wrote

That's funny, because I always try to stop into McDonald's whenever I am in a foreign country because they have a lot of location-specific options that are fun to try.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqrt0jq wrote

Hahahah we have McDonald’s in Pakistan so I don’t think we’ll be going there.


ofiuco t1_iqrryba wrote

Pi Pizzeria on F street is decent. Wise Guys and Pupatella are exemplary with various locations around the city.


[deleted] t1_iqrs75b wrote



Zoroasker t1_iqrt4gk wrote

If you want a real taste of American life, those chains are much more authentic than anything in the Bib Gourmand list. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Nothing wrong with getting some Popeyes or Olive Garden, though of course it’s great to venture outside of that too.


NoEquivalent4477 t1_iqrrnne wrote

You can get all that garbage in Dubai. Please don’t come here to eat that junk.


JadeSinnParach OP t1_iqrrtp2 wrote

Thank you for telling me! What are your suggestions?


NoEquivalent4477 t1_iqrsh4l wrote

If you’re interested in that type of food, you’d be better off visiting local family-owned sandwich/taco/Italian/pizza places. You can find them on Google or TripAdvisor.