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Rhuthbarb t1_it4wupo wrote

I don't know but I love that you are loving his music.

Fun story: When I was 27 and living and working in San Francisco, I took a cab somewhere and heard a trumpet player busking on a corner as we drive by. I look up and recognize a member of my HS band in North Carolina! Red headed, pot-marked guy....pretty distinctive. This was before social media and I never was able to confirm it was him or to say hello.


BlueCollarGuru t1_it4zgqk wrote

I hope you find out. One of my favorite things about dc is the amount of musical talent just on some random ass corner.


redhat12345 t1_it5c5co wrote

I’ve only ever seen the rapping kid.

Prepandemic, and post pandemic. Still rapping in that same spot.


Muriana_of t1_it5f670 wrote

The only thing I’ve ever heard him say is that he’s crazier than a cockroach


DistrictGrow t1_it5id2b wrote

The rapping kid changes. What doesn't change is the adult "pimp". J-Money is the adult's "name". That is what he goes by. He trots out a rotating cast of neighborhood children. It is actually sad but tourists make it lucrative so he does it.


fwillia t1_it5lg3d wrote

Over the course of commuting into the city from 2017-2019 I observed a man at Crystal City metro obtain a tenor sax with no idea how to play it, teach himself through busking, and the last time I saw him he was absolutely WAILING on it. Practice every day, get those 10,000 hours!


Flermple t1_it5ohxg wrote

I believe he is a homeless gentleman? He’s been playing from union station to the intersection of Florida ave and NY Ave for years and he has improved a lot over the last couple of years. I quite enjoy catching him playing when I pass through the area.


Brainjacker t1_it5y7ge wrote

When I lived in Foggy Bottom there was a trumpet player right outside GW Hospital who would play either Deck the Halls on repeat, year-round - with the same wrong notes each time - or the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Your guy sounds better.


brodies t1_it76z5k wrote

OP described the trumpet player in Gallery Place as “next level,” not “repeatedly playing the opening lines to the Sanford and Sons theme and La Cucaracha and somehow screwing them both up a new way each play through,” which rules out the Trumpet Man of NoMa. Trumpet Man has posted up outside of my apartment for years and is loathed by everyone I know in this building. His repertoire doesn’t change, and he hasn’t gotten better. He just plays the same few snippets of the same few songs for hours on end. Thankfully, he started moving around somewhat, so now it’s at least only a weekly occurrence instead of the hours seemingly every day of blaring terribleness.


Flermple t1_it79api wrote

Ok well cool your jets there. Everyone has different levels of appreciation for music as well as exposure to the many people who play music on the street. If I have the wrong person then that’s just fine, I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. I’ve noticed improvement in the guy who now wanders and apparently haven’t heard the “more talented” player yet. I’m sorry to hear he’s an ear sore to your living situation, hopefully you have a nice quiet weekend coming.
