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RallyPigeon OP t1_ito9u0a wrote

Honestly I'm not sure I understand why the city is spending millions of dollars on a service that seems inefficient in an area with numerous other options. But I might try it just to say I did 🤷‍♂️


yakshack t1_itogobi wrote

Where do the shuttles go? Read the entire story 3 times thinking surely I missed it, but ask it says it's that they go to the Wharf, but don't say from where.


moonbunnychan t1_itpb9ai wrote

I'm hoooping from the metro. It's a little bit of a trek to get there from there. Not awful or anything but for two bucks if I'm tired I might consider it to not take the bus.. Definitely not a service I'd use often as it seems pretty inefficient and there's already a shuttle and I believe the DC Circular.


__main__py t1_itpwkx6 wrote

The way people drag race down Maine Ave and M St, I wouldn't want to be on one of those dinky little things on the street.


bibrexd t1_itpmjtn wrote

Yeah same reaction

I think L'enfant would make the most sense, Waterfront second


lgrace_ t1_itprpht wrote

They already have a bus from L’enfant though - the southwest shuttle!


TryOurMozzSticks t1_itpvoec wrote

The fact that they mention parking, I’m guessing from a parking lot in the area? The only ones nearby I can think of are on Maryland Ave that are pretty empty.


cfitzpancake t1_itr4w76 wrote

Not to add fuel to the fire of the storied DC Reddit Urban Planning Circlejerks, but for real wtf are they thinking. This only adds more clutter to a super congested area. Provide cheap alternatives to lessen this: a pedestrian bridge, built-up bus stops, dedicated bus lanes, thru lanes, loading/Uber zones, etc. I’m all for outside-the-box thinking, but this seems less helpful than the ski lift to Rosslyn.


RallyPigeon OP t1_itr783f wrote

It's funny you laundry listed good ideas because The Wharf already has a bus lane, designated ride share loading zones + taxi pick up spot, improved pedestrian infrastructure and plenty of mass transit including a fare free shuttle bus that goes to L'Enfant Plaza and the National Mall.

The new proposal for this to take millions from the city in order to be a subsidized service to alleviate parking issues is laughable. The reality is with an upscale shopping/dining development you're going to have wealthy people who will gladly pay whatever the cost is to park in the deck (or have a valet park for them) with 0 desire to use mass transit. Those people would simply not go if they couldn't park directly. The day trippers an income bracket under from the far reaches like Woodbridge or Frederick, maybe coming for a special dinner or a concert, who it might appeal to will need to know it exists and plan for it. Seems doomed to fail unless the city continues to throw money at it.


cfitzpancake t1_itrag4n wrote

Completely agree with your points (and thanks for pointing out what’s already in use!).


SchokoKipferl t1_itu2ohq wrote

I think the city should charge more for parking if they want less people to drive. Less people but paying more money each.


dansuckzatreddit t1_itqobhn wrote

Build a actual street car system my god


moonbunnychan t1_its179c wrote

Pretty sure that short, sad, non dedicated lane on one street is all we are ever going to get. All the other plans are dead in the water. I REALLY wanted that one to Georgetown.


aj2000gm t1_itr4tjm wrote

Will there be a transfer discount from metro?


MCStarlight t1_itoli8r wrote

That’s cool, but people will still jam up the streets with their cars.


FreshYoungBalkiB t1_itq5937 wrote

The only places that ever seem to get shuttles are close enough to the nearest Metro station to easily walk to. See also: Mosaic.

I wouldn't mind shuttles to DC Brau or Port City Brewing, since those are a real pain to get to.