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superdookietoiletexp t1_iujyrzg wrote

At some point, it just becomes common sense. Like all efficient organizations, there is a division of labor at WaPo. Local politics is delegated to her. She has established a long track record of endorsing folk like Jack Evans, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she publishes crap like this as well. Luckily, DC voters apparently don’t give a whit what she has to say. Her endorsements have a terrible track record of winning competitive elections.


BrightThru2014 t1_iuk09k8 wrote

What’s your evidence that they delegate it to her, a registered Independent?

EDIT: You have been debunked. In your words later in this comment thread you stated that the person who has been delegated the local WaPo political endorsements is “Jo-Ann Armao is the editor covering local politics.”

The woman in question penned an article defending Planned Parenthood in 2015: .

And also voted for Hillary Clinton: . So yeah, not a Republican.


BrightThru2014 t1_iujzzvg wrote

Yeah doesn’t say where they got that information and it also adds a note at the end that she’s an Independent. So a Republican is both not in charge of endorsements and there is no evidence that endorsements are delegated to her in the first instance.

EDIT: Some more information fully debunking your claim. In your words later in this comment thread you stated that the person who has been delegated the local WaPo political endorsements is “Jo-Ann Armao is the editor covering local politics.”

The woman in question penned an article defending Planned Parenthood in 2015: .

And also voted for Hillary Clinton: . So yeah, not a Republican.