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walkallover1991 OP t1_itusem4 wrote

>It's just one of many options that was presented.

Clearly I am aware of that because I got it from the same slide as all of the other concepts...

One thing that confused me about that slide was a chart (p. 71) about all of the service concepts, with one entitled "Red Line Frequency Investment" that's says it's under additional analysis. It doesn't seem to be related to the turn-backs at Silver Spring/Grovesnor (as those are on the chart as well), so I wonder what that could be. Return to ATO on the Red Line only?


trev1997 t1_itutwde wrote

Yeah, of course, I was more saying that for anyone who wasn't looking at the presentation.

I think it is probably ATO. Clarke has mentioned he is looking into that.


walkallover1991 OP t1_itv8r3k wrote

I also wonder if it could be CBTC. "Investment" to me = money spent on something new and some sort of new process/system.

I'm not sure if I would classify as going back to the old ATO system as an "investment" given that it would just involve seeking approvals from the WMSC, training/re-training operators on ATO, etc.

In a tweet, Clarke said "Our team is working on getting πŸš‡ back to operating on ATO as it’s safer. Top transit systems in the 🌏 run some level of ATO. We are also working on CBTC & we will analyze platform screen doors for full modernization."

WMATA already has an office (IIRC) that deals with the transition to CBTC, and the VP of said office (Tiffani Jenkins, Vice President Signaling System Renewal Program (SSRP)) just gave a presentation at a conference that dealt with CBTC last month.

I could see the agency installing CBTC on the Red Line first, before producing to other lines throughout the system.