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LawItUp77 t1_itdd4j5 wrote

I cannot stand the temperature difference from when I go to work and when I leave work lol


kittengr t1_itdkfgv wrote

I WFH and this still hits me hard. 2-3 outfit changes a day to say neutral on temp


AnonymousCarolinaDog t1_ite3sn7 wrote

Do you live in a tent?


kittengr t1_ite3yju wrote

Thankfully no. But I do live in an old, poorly insulated house; have dogs that need things like walks and potty breaks; and I have an English person’s approach to turning on the heating.


karmagirl314 t1_ite0yei wrote

It’s annoying wearing a jacket to the office and carrying it home, but I’ll deal with that over sweating all day during summer.


bellemione88 t1_ite1c3v wrote

Planned to get chores done, but just couldn’t stay inside so they can wait 😅


keyjan t1_itechb8 wrote

You can do them tomorrow when it’s raining.


CashewGuy t1_itecuj1 wrote

It was lovely out. I exclusively walked around to different parks and read. Read on the Mall for a bit, too. Also - got to go into the Air and Space Museum finally!


Plus_Mirror_2611 t1_itdiphi wrote

It's gorgeous. However, if I were to be really snobby about my perfect later Otober day, then I'd want it at least 10 degrees cooler. Listen, I was raised in the south so I'm familiar with warmer Octobers, but I've had cooler Octobers and I've had New England falls, and I can say that 58 degree October days just hit that fall bone a little harder. Still, loving the beautiful weather.


SchuminWeb t1_itdjlln wrote

Yep... good fire drill weather.


Totalanimefan t1_itelkkv wrote

Agreed! I went hiking in Rock Creek Park today.