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PhantomRoyce t1_it1509v wrote

Does it not go on a record or do they just not care? I was a young hoodlum in the city but I never did anything that would involve cops because I wanted to get a job one day


ehenning1537 t1_it1evcj wrote

Oh well that didn’t matter. Juvenile records are sealed and then destroyed. Nothing you did as a child would have any impact on your adult job prospects. Obviously that isn’t information they advertise to minors.

Also, the kind of kids stealing cars with babies in the back aren’t the kinds of kids worried about college and job prospects. They don’t have two loving parents at home who will be shocked and appalled at their behavior. They have zero social pressure to be a decent person so they act like this. Lock up the parents or other responsible adults and ship the little idiots off to military school. Problem solved.


PhantomRoyce t1_it27rk8 wrote

I went to a military school and those guys don’t need to be there. People think it will “beat you into shape” but it just makes you hate authorities with a passion. They need something,I just don’t know what it is