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NicholasAakre t1_iujwz68 wrote

> Getting around DC sucks for most people.

The vast majority of that is due to cars.

Walking is stressful because you gotta be on alert for reckless drivers at intersections (and maybe the sidewalk!) and car-centric infrastructure making it difficult to traverse the city on foot.

Biking is stressful because you gotta share road space with angry people operating vehicles the size of Sherman tanks.

Transiting is stressful because the bus gets stuck behind all the cars idling/parked in the few dedicated bus lanes that exist or are just stuck in general traffic.

Driving sucks because you are contributing to and at the mercy of traffic from all the other cars on the road.

Get rid of the cars (or drastically limit their use) and this city will instantly become more pleasant and livable.


Too_LeDip_To_Quit t1_iuk5o3y wrote

I don't disagree with anything you say. But I think transportation advocates also need to acknowledge that in huge swaths of DC, living without a car is not practical. That's concentrated in Wards 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

Maybe one day we will build a better city where that's not true. But today it is, and strident anti-car sentiment is not only a bad strategy politically, it's just not calibrated to the city's current needs