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keyjan t1_iuass05 wrote

Get it in writing that they are going to replace the fence exactly they way it is (at their expense, of course) and then just keep an eye on what they do.


EternalMoonChild t1_iub8det wrote

How would OP get them to agree to that?


LeektheGeek t1_iub9xu7 wrote

Just ask them politely. Might be surprised how often this works. Everyone isn’t an asshole


BenBishopsButt t1_iub8jze wrote

By getting a lawyer to write a letter. It might work, it might not. But it’s worth a shot.


keyjan t1_iub8ibj wrote

Threaten to sue them if they take the fence down (and then follow through and do it).


IcyWillow1193 t1_iuatprr wrote

they cannot take it down without a permit, and they can't get a permit for work on the property line without your consent.

Doesn't mean they won't do it. But you can also make the rest of their renovation work very difficult if they don't work with you.


invalidmail2000 t1_iub39wb wrote

I mean they can.....

Not sure why downvotes... Just because something needs a permit that doesn't stop it from happening.


Neither-Copy785 t1_iuawjcf wrote

If they remove it there isn't much you can do besides sue them for the cost of a replacement.

Your best course if action is probably to send them a certified letter specifically stating that you do not consent to your fence being removed and you will expect them to pay for any damages/replacement. Include a copy of the survey showing the fence is on your property.

Also if you have any other contact info for them - text, email, etc. then send them the same info there. You want to make sure you are explicitly telling them you don't consent to the fence removal.


topher180 t1_iuasccq wrote

The “Get a lawyer” crowd presumably realizes the cost involved with doing so could be high if it turns into a prolonged battle. Maybe they’re rich?

Anyway, did they approach you and give you a heads up Re: these renos? Is removal of the fence absolutely necessary or just more convenient? What do you mean when you say that your neighbor “hasn’t acknowledged” the surveys findings? They just went LOL don’t care?


veloharris t1_iuatuwh wrote

It's DC most people have a friend who can write a letter on letterhead.


derpycalculator t1_iub0pnx wrote

Actually, no. You can’t use the firm’s letterhead for funsies. That will get you fired.


WishboneDense t1_iuaymyc wrote

As crazy as it sounds, when I bought a new construction house and asked to put a fence up both of the neighbors on each side, refused to share a fence with the builder. They said they were worried about the new purchaser (me) not holding up my end in maintenance so they paid out of their own pockets to pull their fence a foot off the property line so it was clearly on their side vice being on the line.


NYMinute59 t1_iub48f5 wrote

Gets survey and move the fence a few inches to your property alone.


careless-lollygag t1_iuarezw wrote

Man I wish I had this much time (and money) on my hands to worry about a damn fence


kittengr t1_iuas8wl wrote

Having to replace a removed fence would take a great deal of time and money too…


theglassishalf t1_iuapw8a wrote

Stop being a dick and let your neighbor do their renovations. Get them to agree to pay to put the fence back up after they're done.


versello t1_iuara1l wrote

☝️… only if they replace it with another fence


classicalL t1_iuasod0 wrote

Get a quote for a fence that you would like, and tell them that they would need to pay the quote at the end of the construction. Get them to sign something or just like an email, something in writing. Or have them prepay before you consent to having it removed.

Also ask them for a timeline so you can schedule the work to have it restored. Worst case you pay for some part of a new fence, a lot cheaper than lawyers and a lot better to not have neighbors that hate you.