Submitted by Baranade t3_yeh1ns in washingtondc

I want to have a bar play the semis finals or maybe even the finals for the LoL World Championship but I don't wanna impose on a bar unless I see enough of a following down to watch.

Anyone here down to watch?



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ironic_fist t1_ity84lo wrote

I honestly thought that going to watch "the LOL Semis" meant that the Freedom Convoy was back in town.


NOOBEv14 t1_ity5vou wrote

Maybe I’m wrong, but playing esports as a main event would very quickly become that bar’s identity. It would completely change the crowd they draw.

There’s probably money to be made there, but it’d be “that bar I don’t go to”.


djexploit t1_itzavfn wrote

Where else can one find the wonderful smells of one of the most toxic communities on the Internet


NOOBEv14 t1_itzolye wrote

One of the most toxic communities anywhere, but I think if you make these people interact in real life, a lot of that toxicity goes away. Anonymity really is the worst thing to give a human.


johnbrownbody t1_iu1a1cq wrote

A store that has Magic the Gathering tournaments. Yes they exist in DC and they're fun but also yes people sometimes smell.


Boobsnbutt t1_itzloet wrote

That's how I feel about bars that play sports.


NOOBEv14 t1_itzog80 wrote

That’s fine. They’ve chosen their identity, “sports bar”.

Just saying that “eSports Bar” is a whole new vibe, and I don’t think you can just dip your toe in that pond. No offense to you esports lovers, but if a bar has league of legends playing, they’re communicating very clearly that they’re not the bar for me. Which is fine, but as a result I think management probably has some hesitancy.


spherio t1_iu1zdyo wrote

Last Call in NoMa plays esports on the tv’s often and would gladly put it on for you I’m sure!


Pogomogo_ t1_itz4vh3 wrote

You can reach out to Kingfisher on 14th. I know the bar manager and owner. They would be into supporting LoL if the timing works out.


wondering2076 t1_ity2dl4 wrote

Probably check it out if easy to get to🤷🏻‍♂️


[deleted] t1_itzjju2 wrote



Baranade OP t1_itzn6sp wrote

That's an option

But still had a few people message me where we could possibly watch it


sahdahtay t1_itzp37h wrote

They used to have watch parties up in Friendship. I can’t remember what bar it was - it was the one next to the hookah bar