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NorseTikiBar t1_isoq1pz wrote

Do you hang around the Hill or around 24 year olds in the midst of a quarter-life crisis? Because that's generally where that meme is actually true.


Heliordant t1_isoqrp4 wrote

OK, we get it, you actually talk to people. You don't need to brag.


tomfulery t1_isoqe6f wrote

So what do you do, OP?


celj1234 t1_isoti5p wrote

It’s a over exaggerated social media thing. Do people ask it? Yes, but not nearly as much as Reddit would have you believe.


Baloncesto t1_isp2m82 wrote

I think the "what do you do" trope is overexaggerated. I would agree that you get it more from younger people or self-righteous Hillterns, but it really doesn't seem as common as people think.

On the other hand - DC is a very professional city, so learning what someone does can be helpful to know who you have in common, etc.


[deleted] OP t1_ispb7kz wrote



[deleted] OP t1_ispcdwb wrote



jd_dc t1_ispd9na wrote

Consider finding networking events in the area for your industry. No more appropriate place than that to meet people in your field and talk shop!


DJ_HardR t1_ispex0w wrote

It's not even really that I want to talk about the details of my work. I'm just enjoying a job in my field for the first time in 8 years and I think it would feel good to say that out loud.

I have been silently pushing through a ridiculous amount of burnout for the last couple of years, and it's like I recently hit the light on the other side of the tunnel and it feels amazing.

Most of my friends have literally no idea what I do at work. I don't think it's a big part of my personality. It's just lately been a big part of my joy.


Gumburcules t1_isor69r wrote

Congratulations, you probably hang out with people who don't make their job their life, and you also probably hang out in places that don't attract the see-and-be-seen type-A/Instagrammer crowd.

There are lots and lots of people in this city who will immediately ask you what you do, there's a reason it's such a common trope here. There are also lots and lots of people who couldn't care less but (except for you I guess) people don't generally make a Reddit post about the times they went out and people didn't ask them what they do.

It's all about the crowd you surround yourself with. It's always hilarious (but also a little sad) when I'm talking to someone who laments that "people in DC always want to know what you do so they can judge you," and then when I ask them where they hang out I inevitably get a list of expensive, trendy, loud, flavor-of-the-month $20 cocktail bars. Well yeah, no shit you're only meeting those types of people, you're only going to their bars.


[deleted] OP t1_isothhk wrote



lc1138 t1_isp6niw wrote

Did you really just admit you’re dying to brag about yourself?? Honest I guess


jd_dc t1_ispbm82 wrote

Did you really just throw shade because op expressed a desire to share their professional accomplishments with someone? Maybe you should get curious about why someone else wanting to feel validated makes you angry...


[deleted] OP t1_ispgw50 wrote



lc1138 t1_ispj2n6 wrote

Disney? I’m offended, not a big Disney person so unsure where you’re getting that. That’s my only take away from your response


messmaker523 t1_isp4wt5 wrote

I work in the medical field. People ask me all the time. Since I don't work on the hill or for aan NGO it's usually an entertaining silence when I answer


gordo0620 t1_isopuk9 wrote

I can’t recall being asked and I dated a lot when I was single. It’s not the priority for everyone. Of course it came up through conversation, but never right off the bat.


AwesomeAndy t1_isoqokz wrote

Yeah this. It's a meme but not really a true one except among a specific crowd that if you're not already a part of, you're probably not socializing with much.


WontStopAtSigns t1_ispb1jc wrote

I'm spending a huge majority of my waking life working, so ya talking about work is a pretty natural part of that.

There's a lot of problems with this place, but you bring your own bad personalities with you.


marcololol t1_ispdffq wrote

No one asks me and it doesn’t bother me that much. You’re free to introduce what you do in a conversation if you think it’s an important enough part of your identity when meeting someone.


EastoftheCap t1_isoret6 wrote

People used to ask more back in the 90s


SSSS_car_go t1_isou7p7 wrote

Maybe people are trying to get away from defining each other by where they work (DC), where they live (NYC), or what they drive (CA). If so, that’s probably a good thing!


MAX_cheesejr t1_isp6brk wrote

I’m the opposite man, I don’t like when people ask what i do for a living and while I enjoy hearing what others do for a living I feel like it takes away from getting to know someone sometimes


[deleted] OP t1_isp8kus wrote



[deleted] OP t1_isp9frl wrote



[deleted] OP t1_ispaqo9 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_ispb9zw wrote
