Submitted by thetruthstrikes t3_y6l2rz in washingtondc

Do you sing your heart out in the shower? Hit crazy high notes singing along in your car? Did you used to sing with people back in school? Have you just been missing music in your life?

Hello, People of Reddit. We're Lost & Sound, a coed a capella group that's existed for 9+ years here in DC, and we're looking for new members! We're a group of eight fun-loving, harmonically-inclined people from all corners of the country that like to get together once a week to sing and wassaaaaaaail in each other's' company.

Our members live in the DC or greater-DC area, and we're open to adding people in all four major parts – soprano, alto, tenor, and bass (we'd also be intrigued by anyone with beatbox skillz), provided the fit seems right.

If this sounds anything like you, we'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to me directly via DM, or if you're so inclined, fill out our audition form here:

Lookin forward to hearing from y'all!



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its_my_name t1_ispzti1 wrote

I read that as Swingers of DC... Oh well.


blessed_kalbosa t1_isq3kp3 wrote

Drat, I’m already in a choir that rehearses on Thursday. Do you have social handles that I could follow?


Yaratam t1_isron7e wrote

"Singles of DC!" I thought for a second :)


annang t1_isrsy23 wrote

What are your COVID protocols?


thetruthstrikes OP t1_istdvv8 wrote

Good q! Everyone in our group is vaxxed + boosted, and we didn't hold a rehearsal for more than a year from March 2020 to when everyone was vaccinated in June 2021. We rely on members to not come to rehearsal when they test positive/don't feel well, and I think we're pretty good about trusting each other and making space for that -- one of our members is pregnant, and obviously wants to be careful about it, and each of us trusts everyone else (we all like/trust/care for each other, as we've all known each other for at least 4 years). Basically, we ask people to test themselves and/or stay home if they’re not feeling well, but we don’t test everyone before every rehearsal. Does that answer your Q?