Submitted by Kitchen-Hat2790 t3_yhhbx1 in washingtondc

Long story short I moved away from DC 6 years ago and just moved back. Things sure have changed. People smoke drugs openly on the metro (seen this about 10 times just in the last 2 weeks). My question is what kind of drugs is it? It smells nothing like weed at all but they seem to be rolling it up in a fat joint. The smell gets me dizzy when I am near them. I’ve smoked my fair share of weed to know it’s not weed. Kind of like a chemically smell? Anyone know?



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buckenmuck t1_iuduqbt wrote

You need to text metro pd when you see that. Save 696873 ("mymtpd") in your phone and report people generating noxious fumes or open flames.


tealccart t1_iuf7u7s wrote

This text service is great. In my experience you’ll get a response in about a minute and metro PD will usually board the train in a stop or two. Just make sure you include your car number (number printed near the top of the doors, iirc), line (green, red, etc), direction of travel and station you just left.


Throwaway2theplate t1_iuds0it wrote

The dry, withered souls of long time Metro riders.


squuidlees t1_iudv45c wrote

A different variety to choose from on the daily too.


ssswerve t1_iue0h6b wrote



iidesune t1_iueakti wrote

This is probably the answer. PCP-laced weed.


Introverts_United t1_iuft77u wrote

Yup. Dippers. Aside from PCPs now it’s even laced with fentanyl,ketamine and cocaine.😮‍💨


Kitchen-Hat2790 OP t1_iufv17z wrote

I should have mentioned one of the guys I saw was all amped up thumping his chest with his fist as he was puffing it. Never seen someone smoking weed do that, you might be right.


Introverts_United t1_iufvfu0 wrote

Yea. It could be a lot of things honestly. Even spice and synthetic cannabis can make people aggressive.

From now on when you take the metro, try and sit in the car, that’s right behind the conductor if possible.


Consistent_Ad7468 t1_iudw0g2 wrote

I saw a couple that appeared to be smoking meth from one of those fun little circular pipes at about 7am at the Huntington metro a few months ago.

I'm glad someone else is commenting on this. I've lived in this area and used the metro extensively for the past 13+ years. The last year or two has just been a disgusting mix of fare evasion, open drug use and public masterbation.

I literally saw some guy at 4pm on a weekday strip naked on the Lenfant plaza platform a few weeks ago.


Dare2no t1_iuf4tei wrote

It might be ¨Wet¨ That´s when people soak a blunt in formaldehyde and smoke it. People used to do that all over DC a whiles back.


skiwhatwhat t1_iui9ner wrote

Whaaaaat. What kind of high are people getting off of fucking formaldehyde? Jfc.


PanAmargo t1_iudvmki wrote

At one point the “synthetic” weeds aka K2 and its ilk were popular with the street population … could buy cheap at a smoke shop or on the street and would get a nasty but very intoxicating high … not likely anyone is smoking crack or meth in a blunt


soccerman55 t1_iueyspm wrote

Where are you seeing this?

I ride the green line daily and rarely see people smoking in the system, and the few times I have it’s been in stations and it’s cigarettes other than once (when it was weed) over the last two years.


tealccart t1_iuf8y53 wrote

I live and work on the green line and at this point only take the train occasionally, yet within a span of a few weeks I was on a car with a guy inhaling smoke from something that looked like a bong (but definitely not weed - no smell like that), and then I was on another car a separate time where I watched a drug deal of something in a little foil/paper packet (kind of like a gum wrapper folded up) and watched the guy snort it and also share a huge bottle of Bombay sapphire with a friend. Lived here 20 yrs and I don’t recall seeing behavior like that before. Oh yeah, I forgot — and in the latter incident, one of the guys involved pulled out a knife at one point!


iidesune t1_iufuu2e wrote

I haven't seen anyone using a bong on the Metro, but I've seen plenty of drug transactions near Metro stations. Gallery Place especially.


Rugrats-theme-song t1_iug8zav wrote

Could be an electronic rig for smoking weed concentrates. Could be smoking meth from an oil burner


BoozAlien t1_iui516e wrote

I don't know what's worse, the drugs or drinking straight fucking gin right from the bottle!


dcmcg t1_iufphzk wrote

Yeah this is obviously not happening anywhere near as much as this person is saying


Kitchen-Hat2790 OP t1_iufvhsf wrote

Just sharing my experience, legit have seen 10 incidents. Just moved back 2.5 weeks ago so not sure if this is the norm. Mostly on the green line and blue/orange. Once on the red.


CassowaryCommander t1_iudt2lg wrote

Meth, maybe? Or crack.


messmaker523 t1_iuej4ac wrote

Lol. I think you're out of the loop on this one


CassowaryCommander t1_iuemqfa wrote

It's not impossible. And those are just as valid guesses as any - save for maybe the whole "wrapped in paper" thing. But not being up to date on meth/crack practices, who knows what advances have been made through science. Crackpipe-less crack? The future is now!!


keyjan t1_iufeg3r wrote

I've seen ppl chop up pills and then roll them in joints…who knows what the pills are, though.


Less_Wrong_ t1_iugff0z wrote

I’ve seen a rough up homeless looking dude pull out a white pack of ‘dust’, a tiny spoon, and snort it in the 8:30 am packed red line downtown train…


ooooooyyea t1_iugnm89 wrote

Yum- I mean - Hm, which line ? Never encountered this. I am going to need the main line.


BoseSonic t1_iuicdol wrote

What I want to know is why the blunts smell like burning trash these days? Weed has a distinct smell but whatever they’re doing to it these days makes it stink way worse than it used to


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_iujlv6k wrote

personally i try to stay away from drugs on metro, but on occasion I've been known to resort to whippets during particularly long delays


Quiet_Meaning5874 t1_iuer7a3 wrote

It is the funnel (ie tobacco) people put in joints for the rush / make the weed last longer. People been doing it for decades but for whatever reason it caught on with the “urban youth” in yea like the last 5-8 years.

Annoying but completely harmless!


Training_Prior3511 t1_iuewg1f wrote

I know the smell the OP is talking about and it sure ain’t funnel. They be smoking laced weed on the train.


Quiet_Meaning5874 t1_iuewn4r wrote

Interesting what’s it smell like? I’m an almost daily wmata rider (buses/trains) all over the city and only smelled weed and funnel