Submitted by Kooky_Plastic8885 t3_yiojdx in washingtondc

I just moved to DC and have taken the metro a few times — every ride except one caused me severe nausea. I just took the red line 4 stops and almost threw up. I moved from NYC where I never had motion sickness issues on the MTA/trains there. I do struggle in cars (especially with stop-and-go traffic) and buses. Does this happen to anyone else on the DC metro? Any advice for how to manage the nausea? I can’t see myself taking Dramamine every time I need to ride because it makes me very drowsy and also needs a lead time of 15-30 mins before riding to be effective. I always avoid sitting backwards and try not to look at my phone (which sucks for longer rides).



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alizadk t1_iujnry0 wrote

What about trying one of those motion sickness bracelets?


lanabear92294 t1_iujotgx wrote

I find that the noise (high pitched screeching especially) of the metro also triggers my motion sickness, as well as the lights (because of the sudden light changes). So I have good noise canceling headphones and try to close my eyes as best I can. Also, dramamine does make a non-drowsy pill.


vintage_appellation t1_iujq4zt wrote

If you haven’t been doing this already, make sure you’re not traveling on an empty stomach. I also find that my motion sickness is especially bad when I’m already a little under the weather, so watch out for that. Good luck.


jez007007 t1_iujslis wrote

I think this is good advice. I get air sick if I fly on an empty stomach but if I eat a low fat meal before I fly, no issues at all. I usually get a deli sandwich dry which works for me. After riding metro for years, never experienced motion sickness so cannot say if it will help. Using MTA has never caused me an issue either. Now being trapped on a Metro train for long periods has caused me much anxiety which makes me sick to my stomach…….


keyjan t1_iujsz7e wrote

I have to face forward (or at least sideways) when I ride, or I get nauseous. On one memorable ride, I got off the train early because I couldn’t take it anymore, and a fellow rider got off to throw up in a trash can.

It’s not just you. 🤢


ParticularArachnid35 t1_iujupiy wrote

How much of this is due to Metro’s inability to get automatic train control restored since the fatal crash 13 years ago?


MJustin80 t1_iujwv9w wrote

Also not sure if you were on your phone the whole time, but try to avoid looking at a screen if possible.


metrazol t1_iujyke3 wrote

This is what does it for me. I can't read on the Metro or look at my phone. I just listen to the podcast because if I do I get horribly. Can ride backwards now though that only took 4 years...


MonsteraCrux t1_iuk02jh wrote

This is what works for me! Plus making sure to remove my coat - getting hot always makes it worse, so I wear layers when I know I’ll be Metro-ing.

I also recently went to NYC and was amazed that I felt totally fine on an hour-long subway ride, but so ill on the 2 stops back home on the DC Metro.


frenchtikla t1_iuk5euz wrote

I feel your pain, I had this problem on the metro. I would take a half dose of Dramamine in the morning on the way to work and another half on the way back. Another thing that really helped me were ginger hard candies, since ginger is known to help with nausea. If you Google that, there’s a couple different brands.


hbauman0001 t1_iuk78ky wrote

Sit in a forward facing seat and focus on some point on the floor.


Apprehensive1905 t1_iuk7l59 wrote

I get sick too. I find having a few lifesaver mints or mint gum helps. Always sit facing forward or stand .. and absolutely no phone. It sucks!


minimtmoose t1_iuk87h0 wrote

I find that sitting in the furthest forward car helps a bit. Definitely have to face forward. Agree with others recommending not having an empty stomach, but also can’t have a ton of food in my stomach either. It sucks!


velveteen311 t1_iuk8cp1 wrote

Personally, I found that caffeine makes my dc metro nausea much worse. I also didn’t have issues in nyc or in cars. Something to try anyway


KittyLikesTuna t1_iukaev5 wrote

I can't find any convincing explanation of why these work, but I swear by them. The ones I have are basically just sweatbands with an inward facing little button that presses into my wrist and calms my carsickness 🤷🏻‍♀️