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ALawful_Chaos t1_irpaar6 wrote

The part that feels really icky to me is the “beloved by the mostly affluent D.C. homeowners” part. It seems so patronizing. Like the rich people find the poor kids making music to be quaint and adorable.


[deleted] t1_irpir1x wrote



TMacOnTheTrack t1_irr6do2 wrote

Poverty tourism. Sounds like a buzz word I heard a couple years ago in the movie Forty year version. Poverty porn. Left leaning people of a certain demographic would delight in hearing my stories from down south B (DC is not southern but that’s an argument for another day). Being a natural born story teller I told and told said story. I started to notice that they would ask occasional leading questions and make implications.

“Gosh growing up in the Deep South that must’ve been tough for you huh?” It was fine. I had a middle class upbringing. If anything I’m a black sheep for not getting a master’s degree. If I mentioned a hardship they would follow up with “it’s because you’re black. That’s so sad.” No it’s because… I just explained how and why xyz happened. Nope we’re not doing any poverty porn here. But left leaning people of a certain demographic love to salivate over poverty porn.


presque-veux t1_irpam4t wrote

I like in capitol hill and I'm broke. There's a lot of rowhouses that have turned into tons of tiny illegal apartments. Don't think we're all loaded yuppies


ThatsALovelyShirt t1_irr8662 wrote

It also may not even be true... I live in an "affluent" neighborhood near Takoma Park, where most homes are near $700k-1mil... and like well over half the neighborhood are black families who have lived here for decades and aren't the transplanted doctors/attorneys/whatever WaPo seems to think have taken over DC.


antifabear t1_irqcpb2 wrote

Yeah, there’s another glaring difference between those two groups of people that makes it especially sinister. White people seeking entertainment in the existence of Black children.


Formergr t1_irqy708 wrote

Oh hello minstrelsy, didn't expect to see you here at WaPo.