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Bitterfish t1_iu145wn wrote

Dude the """"culture of lawlessness"""" has very little to do with this. We need to redesign streets to require and incentivize safe driving. Narrow lanes. No passing. Protected bike lanes. Congestion pricing. MUCH LARGER registration fees on high-mass vehicles like this SUV -- a completely unnecessary vehicle for most people to drive around a city.

In other words, the way to make streets safe is not to pursue some fantasy of social control, it is to make it physically difficult or impossible to hurt people with cars. The government ultimately has almost no control over culture, lawless or otherwise -- but it is possible to bend people's moment-to-moment behavior with infrastructure.


roofrat69 t1_iu1dz9b wrote

Social control? You mean laws?

I live on a narrow street and I regularly hear the sound of drivers bottoming out as they hit the speed bump outside at 25 mph. Dude. Drivers are doing crazy shit right in front of cops because they know there will be no consequences.

I’m all for protected bike lanes. I’ve also seen drivers in them. How do you propose we deal with people who break laws designed to protect us and ensure an orderly society?


BrightThru2014 t1_iu2qaic wrote

Yeah that’s not happening any time soon so why not enforce laws in the same way they’re enforced in any other prosperous liberal democracy?


CarlosDangeroso t1_iu3vcn0 wrote

Curious what you have in mind when you refer to "any other prosperous liberal democracy." Maybe Sweden?


CowboyAirman t1_iu1cxjr wrote

No, no, no. we just need to lower the speed limit. Problem solved.