Submitted by melancholyduckies t3_yf68qp in washingtondc

Is it safe/a good idea to go for a run in NW DC after dark? The changing of the seasons and new work schedule are pushing my runs until a 6:30/7 start time, and I’d be running in the dark. I’d just be running on sidewalks- not on any isolated trails



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Appropriate-Bed-8413 t1_iu1z2ww wrote

Generally, yes.

But “NW DC” could mean a lot of things. So could “After Dark”.

Mainly, use common sense and you will be safe.


GenericReditAccount t1_iu1wbdn wrote

Generally, sure!

  1. NW is big. Where in NW?
  2. What time? It gets dark so early now, and will only get earlier. If you’re running at 5:30, there should be plenty of people around still. Running at 9:30, probably not the best idea

goodeats93 t1_iu21tue wrote

Where in NW. NW is huge


gigawhattt t1_iu1znao wrote

What’s the worst that could happen? If something goes down, you’re already running. Just run a little faster


RandomLogicThough t1_iu46bts wrote

Like seriously though, most muggers don't want to chase you - if you can spare the mental energy to be aware a runner would generally be a bad target (and they don't carry as much loot) /not a lazy mugger


BerzeliusWindrip t1_iu23luy wrote

I run after dark in NW multiple times per week for the last 4 years. It's safe, never had any issues. Just stick to busier / better lit areas if you can. And be visible, getting hit by a car is a much bigger threat than getting attacked or something imo.

I mainly run down 16th st between silver spring and Dupont, which has plenty of street lights and usually some other people out. I also sometimes go down past the white house and around the mall / reflecting pool, which is obviously super safe. Guaranteed you'll see other runners down there.

I never run with headphones out of personal preference, but its certainly safer that way also. I also sometimes clip a small blinking light on my chest to make myself more visible to oncoming cars so they don't right turn into me as I'm crossing an intersection (I usually run on the left sidewalk against the flow of traffic).


ItchyArticle t1_iu29daf wrote

Very safe. Cars are the biggest threat! Wear reflective gear :)


xnbdfd t1_iu1wfmo wrote

any time before 9pm is safe regardless light or dark


hdhdjdjdvv t1_iu2320j wrote

Biggest danger is cars


PalpitationNo3106 t1_iu21h66 wrote

Phone. Headlamp. Someone who knows where you are. You’ll be fine. If you feel really vulnerable, mace in your hand, phone in your pocket. Be smart, if your spidey senses go off, go elsewhere.


pomegranatecloud t1_iu2webx wrote

Yes. I’ve ran in the dark regularly here for well over 10 years much later than 6:30/7 pm. I don’t know where you’re running exactly but I’ve always passed a fair amount of other runners out before 9:30 pm even in winter. Plenty of people out walking before 10 pm too. After 10, there’s not a ton of people out unless it’s a Friday or Saturday. I wouldn’t worry about 630/7 pm at all. Your biggest worry should be cars running lights, not stopping, or just not paying attention. Every time I’ve been harassed has been in the early morning not evenings except once at 5:30 pm in broad day light on a U street with tons of people walking by where a man tried to grab me. The number of times I’ve almost been hit by a car when I have the right away exponentially outnumbers the times I’ve been harassed.


Knock_turnal t1_iu1yu5b wrote

My suggestion: Keep your phone charged, run on well lit streets that are at least occupied with people or businesses because they most likely have cameras pointing outside. Also maybe through a busy intersection here or there, also for cameras. Pre map your route and let people know about it. Maybe ride a cap share bike around to map one out.


madevilfish t1_iu23csa wrote

It depends on the level of risk you are willing to accept.


varmau t1_iu2txwp wrote

I wouldn’t have a problem walking anywhere in NW DC at 8pm (dark or not). Running should be safer. The only places I’d avoid are North Capitol St itself (unpleasant on multiple levels) and Rock Creek Park after dark (Chandra Levy was killed running there).

I can’t think of any place in NW DC where if I lived there I’d feel uncomfortable walking in my neighborhood at 7-8pm. I dunno, maybe avoid Sursum Corda too.


keyjan t1_iu24nx5 wrote

Reflective vest and little clip on light thingies. Stay near populated areas.


sagarnola89 t1_iu4uyk6 wrote

Where in NW? Are you talking Columbia Heights or Chevy Chase?