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sunshowered t1_itpfw9r wrote

I had a long, drawn out weekend and took some melatonin at 9 to get a solid 9 hours before another long day. Upstairs neighbor woke me up at 10:30pm, 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 5:45am. They are currently running around their apartment, including their bedroom which is over my bedroom, with their dog (it’s 6:30am). I want to cry.


keyjan t1_itppmmo wrote

Yeah, I agree: time to talk to the landlord.


NPRjunkieDC t1_itpkuv1 wrote

You can complain to management. It's your right to not be disturbed at nighttime. There is an expectation of peace and quiet.

Does the running around happen often? I doubt only last night


sunshowered t1_itqpqon wrote

It’s an old WWII-era building that has unbelievably thin floors, and the upstairs unit was of course cheaply renovated and they removed the carpet and put down laminate flooring. When the couple first moved in, they would wake me up 3-5 times a WEEK for 6 MONTHS. It was insane—they literally only seemed to sleep for 4 hours a night between 1am and 5am. I tried talking to them (they refuse to answer their door), I left pleading notes, I offered to play them vids of how loud it was in my unit, I offered to buy them sound-dampening rug mats for their HOA-required rugs shipped straight to their door—nothing. Finally I went up one night and banged on their door and screamed that I was calling the cops and reporting them (for the 1 millionth time) to the HOA and manager. Then every time they were loud past midnight in their bedroom I would pound on the ceiling for like a full minute. They finally shut the fuck up last year after a week of my crazyass behavior. This was a return to their “normal” (see; psychotic that they don’t sleep) behavior. Triggering.


NPRjunkieDC t1_itqu633 wrote

Wow! You might want to talk to DC office of tenant protection or something Others on here know the name of the office.

Older buildings pre WWII are much better built than anything last 20 years . Mine is 1906 and before that 1888 Townhouse converted to condos . No problems


Petworth-dude_ t1_itr247p wrote

I was in this situation a few months ago. Fortunately, the neighbors in question weren't very good at paying rent, and now they're no longer there.