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demarginator t1_itptpkm wrote

Got glutened by the office communal tea kettle yesterday (those rapid boil kettles) because [someone] decided to steep their I don't know what in it rather than their own mug. Fortunately my boss is very understanding and lets me work from home when I get glutened. But ugh, 2+ more weeks of body hell on top of whatever the hell else my body is overreacting to.


Gaijin_Monster t1_itsjow7 wrote

how did people endure gluten 100 years ago?


kroganwarlord t1_itwmazo wrote

They usually died of malnourishment as children. But there's plenty of cultures who have rice or corn based diets.

Also, gluten in everything as a cheap filler/stabilizer is a fairly recent development.


DoorHingeDeliveries t1_ittsof6 wrote

??? Do you have Celiac or something? You’re out of commission for two weeks because you drank something that contained gluten??