Submitted by Hand_OfTheKing t3_z8us7j in washingtondc

Last night we were playing pickup soccer on Garrison Elementary School and in the half time discovered that someone's bag was stolen but that wasn't the worse part, they were able to use the car keys and stole his car too!

This was unbelievable for all of us there, DC Police needs to step up their fight against real crime before it completely gets out of control.... In the meantime never leave your belongings away from you or someone's trustable eyes, criminals are getting bolder because they aren't being punished for these crimes.

Update: Reading responses blaming the victim and calling me alarmist for a reminder to everyone to be more attentive it's like reading people blaming rape victims for how they were dressed instead of blaming the rapist... Let's move on and bury our heads on complains about shitty drivers and political opinions.

Update 2: Volo league sent an email a moment ago about it

>Hi players,
>We wanted to send a Volo wide email in regards to the recent issues we have had at our Garrison Soccer Leagues. There has been an increase of theft in recent weeks at this location. We have been working with the Logan Circle Neighborhood ANC, who is in turn working with the police department, to try and get increased surveillance in the area by law enforcement. We have gotten responses that they have limited manpower, however we will keep working with them to get the response we need. 

>To address the issue the best we can, we will have more staff present at Garrison when possible to help survey the field. We have also asked our staff to be extra vigilant and not be afraid to call law enforcement if there is any suspicious activity. We are exploring other alternatives such as looking at additional storage bins on site and are working with the school as much as possible to come up with a solution that leaves players feeling secure in our playing locations.
>On your end, we ask for you to take a few preventive measures:
- Please leave any valuable items at home or in your car. 
-For bags/items you are unable to leave behnind, please place bags away from heavily trafficked areas (i.e. sidewalks) and place bags near where other players are standing on the sidelines or near our host. 
-We also ask you to adopt a "See something, say something" mentality. We are the only people that should be on the school grounds (although it is an open campus which makes this difficult to enforce) during game times so anyone not in our league should be reported to our hosts! Help each other and us out by keeping an eye out for suspicious activity!

>We are doing whatever we can to address the issue in conjunction with the ANC, law enforcement, and Garrison School officials. We want all of our players to feel safe and supported and we appreciate your effort in advance to help prevent any additional issues!
>Volo DC




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HockeyMusings t1_iyf9v0m wrote

“Pay attention to your belongings when playing sports.” Hard stop.

I’ve played sports for years, organized and otherwise, all over the US and that’s always been the rule. Anywhere. Forever. None of your rant or anything you’ve just posted has any bearing on that.


SoberEnAfrique t1_iydm9q4 wrote

I've played there for years and while I was always a little nervous, I figured our stuff was safe on the sidelines! Haven't had anything stolen in my 2+ years playing at Garrison, but I'm sorry it happened


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydqxzd wrote

Yeah, I'm also always helping move all the stuff of my teams closer and our subs try to stay around them, but now we'll be even more careful. I just wanted to use this subreddit to amplify the warning to other people, we need to be more aware of the surroundings because after this someone was saying that last week another bag was stolen, but I couldn't confirm that, I just know what happened last night.


SoberEnAfrique t1_iydz65p wrote

I appreciate it! We're planning a January league so it's good to know to be careful still


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iyemt64 wrote

Volo just confirmed that this isn't a one time incident, I copy pasted the email here, although this post got buried by people victim blaming.


HockeyMusings t1_iyeynz1 wrote

I left a pile of anecdotes on my porch and when I woke up they were gone. Now they’re showing up everywhere on Reddit :(

Be safe out there!


lc1138 t1_iydr13s wrote

I’m sorry. I’m having a hard time with you equating stolen possessions to rape. I get your point, but mmmmmmm idk


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydum0v wrote

Victim blaming can apply to any situation, but it's more common for sexual crimes hence that it's the best comparison to understand when it's being done, a better explanation that whatever I could write is here:

And the conclusion is gold for some people around here:

>But bad things can and probably will happen to you at some point in your life. So the next time you find yourself wondering what someone else did to bring on their misfortune, take a moment to consider the psychological attributions and biases that affect your judgment. Rather than blame the victim, try putting yourself in that person’s shoes and perhaps try a little empathy instead.


lc1138 t1_iydx5zj wrote

Let’s just say I much much much MUCH rather have my car stolen than be raped


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydyygt wrote

Let's just say that in both cases you'll feel equally attacked and blamed if people comes to tell you it's, entirely or partially, your fault because of X personal opinion that comes to their mind.


Def_Probably_Not t1_iyeiqxk wrote

I get you. I don't know what the other person is on about. By their logic, if I'm crossing the street with a walk signal, and car runs a red light and hits me, I guess it's my fault for not jumping out of the way.


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iyemgeq wrote

Yeah, I don't know what people is smoking here that feels it's okay to blame the victim here instead of the thieves. Now Volo league even confirmed that there has been multiple incidents over the last few weeks, so it wasn't just a one time theft.


HockeyMusings t1_iyf2ae9 wrote

> Reading responses blaming the victim and calling me alarmist for a reminder to everyone to be more attentive…

That’s a straw man. Your ‘reminder’ was offered as an aside (‘in the meantime…’) to a rant about ‘real crime’ being ‘out of control’ because ‘criminals aren’t being punished.’

Perhaps that’s why your post isn’t being as well received as you desire.


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iyf571k wrote

I guess Volo league was also ranting in their email about "increase of theft" and law enforcement "limited manpower", and being looking for "a solution that leaves players feeling secure in our playing locations".

Stay safe in your bubble.


HockeyMusings t1_iyf6q9o wrote

  • “Increase of theft” << “out of control”
  • “Limited manpower” (i.e. ‘we are sorry we can’t post an officer to babysit your bags’) << “criminals aren’t being punished”
  • “feeling secure in our playing locations” << “real crime”

Maybe Volo league can supply an extra official to watch your bags. Or you could all just throw them in the back of the goal and call it a day.

As for staying safe in my bubble… I’m not the one worrying about stubbing my toe at the soccer field here 😆


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iyehxo7 wrote

>Hi players,
>We wanted to send a Volo wide email in regards to the recent issues we have had at our Garrison Soccer Leagues. There has been an increase of theft in recent weeks at this location. We have been working with the Logan Circle Neighborhood ANC, who is in turn working with the police department, to try and get increased surveillance in the area by law enforcement. We have gotten responses that they have limited manpower, however we will keep working with them to get the response we need.
>To address the issue the best we can, we will have more staff present at Garrison when possible to help survey the field. We have also asked our staff to be extra vigilant and not be afraid to call law enforcement if there is any suspicious activity. We are exploring other alternatives such as looking at additional storage bins on site and are working with the school as much as possible to come up with a solution that leaves players feeling secure in our playing locations.
>On your end, we ask for you to take a few preventive measures:
>- Please leave any valuable items at home or in your car.
>-For bags/items you are unable to leave behnind, please place bags away from heavily trafficked areas (i.e. sidewalks) and place bags near where other players are standing on the sidelines or near our host.
>-We also ask you to adopt a "See something, say something" mentality. We are the only people that should be on the school grounds (although it is an open campus which makes this difficult to enforce) during game times so anyone not in our league should be reported to our hosts! Help each other and us out by keeping an eye out for suspicious activity!
>We are doing whatever we can to address the issue in conjunction with the ANC, law enforcement, and Garrison School officials. We want all of our players to feel safe and supported and we appreciate your effort in advance to help prevent any additional issues!
>Volo DC


realNoahMC t1_iyf6n6s wrote

Shit! Looks like now we need a designated personal item watcher.


ottereatingpopsicles t1_iydd0x7 wrote

This is a little bit alarmist? Maybe next time lock your belongings in your car and keep your keys with you instead of leaving your bag outside in a public place.

Edit: I’m saying “Crime is really getting out of control” is alarmist. And suggesting the police are responsible for watching your stuff while you play is a bit much


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydelzx wrote

I don't see the alarmism? It wasn't my bag but when playing sports people usually take their bags with them to change shoes and have phone, water, accessories on hand, and you can't leave your car keys inside your locked car and you can get it lost from your pockets while running and jumping around...

I grew up in a shitty country so I guess that helps my chances, but I see that people is too trusting and crime has increased sharply recently, so this is a PSA reminding people to watch for their belongings.


ottereatingpopsicles t1_iydfdm5 wrote

Hmm oh ok. I guess I’ve never lived somewhere where it’s fine to just leave your belongings sitting out in the open? Maybe it is a good PSA.

The “crime is getting really out of control” is what sounded alarmist to me. This is common sense advice for DC and has been for a very long time, not a new development.


sammymatt14 t1_iydgsq2 wrote

I think living somewhere where you expect everything that's not tied down to be stolen is pretty distopian


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydhe6m wrote

I mean there was at least a dozen people around all the bags that were piled up together. It isn't like the bag was placed alone on a bench.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iydk015 wrote

I would agree, but that's the reality we live in. So you can either accept that and live your life in a way that defends against it, or you can complain on the internet every time your stuff gets stolen because you left your valuables visible in an unattended public area.

I'm going to go with the realist approach and hide and protect my belongings.


djslarge t1_iydpnpq wrote

OR you can do the third option and get cops to do their job, get the city council to start investing and providing services so there’s less incentive to steal


CriticalStrawberry t1_iydq0hz wrote

Best of luck with that. That's been a real success so far in American history. I live in the real world so I think I'll stick to doing what I can to protect my stuff myself for now.


djslarge t1_iydq4po wrote

The real world isn’t some dystopian, inescapable hellscape dear


CriticalStrawberry t1_iydqs7i wrote

I would love to be proven wrong, I really would. But accomplishing what you said above may as well be an act of God. It's never going to happen, at least not in my lifetime. Corruption is too ingrained in our system at all levels of government for meaningful change.


djslarge t1_iydqv19 wrote

Nothing will change with that attitude


ThurgreatMarshall t1_iydsq3u wrote

>get cops to do their job,

Hahahahahahaha. What a fantasy.


djslarge t1_iydstbd wrote

Oh I know Defund was right when they said cops don’t do shit


Hand_OfTheKing OP t1_iydh12r wrote

Well I have worked and lived in DC area for over a decade and I've heard or witnessed more theft and vandalism close to me over the last 2-3 years than all the previous combined, for example this is the second car theft this year alone where the other was a friend victim of carjacking in NOMA while dropping off another friend at her address... That literally never happened to someone close before.

I guess that's why it looks to me it's getting noticeable worse...


marcololol t1_iydl050 wrote

It would be great to live in a city where we could leave things unattended and NOT have them stolen. However, sadly, that’s not the case. In DC there’s such massive inequality that if you have something nice you need to keep it very close to yourself and not leave it in public. I have a nice bike and a nice car and I’ll never leave them outdoors in this town.