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stache_twista OP t1_iy8z87v wrote

Yeah, even if this passes the cynic in me thinks DC would overpay to contract out all the construction work to some connected firm.

The article also doesn’t share details on how big these projects would be, the tenant split between market-rate / low income and how much the market rate tenants would have to pay (I assume a premium) to subsidize the lower income neighbors and pay back taxpayers.


foxy-coxy t1_iy90kco wrote

>The article also doesn’t share details on how big these projects would be, the tenant split between market rate/ low income and how much the market rate tenants would have to pay

Yeah those are key issues. And given the US governments history with these programs I'm not optimistic they'll get them right.

I really want the council to get rid of all single family zoning and incentive private companies to reserve a small percentage of their units for people with vouchers by giving them taxes breaks and further relaxation of zoning laws.


SavoryRhubarb t1_iy9omxi wrote

DC’s Certified Business Enterprises (CBEs) can legally charge 12% over retail for supply contracts but often charge significantly more if the contract administrator doesn’t pay attention.

I’m not sure about service or construction contracts, but I am aware of at least one construction contract that was DOUBLED because the private firm had to work under a CBE. And many CBEs are District businesses in name only. It’s a good idea but horribly executed. in its current state.