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giscard78 t1_iy9xxgk wrote

> I don’t know what the solution is. But IMO the duplexes and triplexes creates a slightly less expensive home but way smaller and the price per sq foot is gonna be much higher.

There are probably households who would choose a duplex or triplex in Tenleytown (or similar neighborhood) over a rowhome flip Brightwood (or similar neighborhood) relieving pressure on the latter. In some ways, it’s probably about 30 years too late, but better now than never.


ballsohaahd t1_iya3i38 wrote

Yea there’s def no good solution. And over time the duplexes and triplexes would increase supply, but it’s possible not by very much or new people moving in / population growth would negate the effects.

Also I’m shocked all apartments everywhere are so expensive. Even some older ones. I remember 2013-2015 rents in Clarendon were getting over $1000 a month and I thought that was expensive at the time. Now they’re more than double at like $2000-$2500 (1 BR) and that’s been basically 7-8 years. DC is even more too.

Will they double again and be $4000+ by 2030 (again 1 BR)? What will wages even look like, and wouldn’t even wanna look what wages are compared to inflation which shows no sign of slowing.

It’s gonna be very interesting what happens if the economy does crash and there’s mass layoffs. We’re already seeing layoffs in tech of all sectors. 2023 will be an interesting year.