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mostlylighthearted t1_ix1ayh4 wrote

Yes! I’m all for pedestrian right of way, but it’s annoying when my vehicle is already in fast motion or damn near crossing a crosswalk and a pedestrian decides to start crossing. Now I have to slam the brakes when it probably would have been faster to let me pass then cross.


foxcat0_0 t1_ix6zwge wrote

You should be slowing down as you approach a crosswalk. You should not be "in fast motion" at all near a crosswalk. Even an attentive pedestrian cannot react as fast as your car can move.

Drivers bear the greater responsibility for road safety. If the pedestrian light is on, pedestrians are not responsible for letting you drive through the crosswalk because you were not slowing down to begin with.


mostlylighthearted t1_ix86e8q wrote

I’m not referring to crosswalks with the walk sign/light on.


foxcat0_0 t1_ix8dzb6 wrote

Pedestrians have the right of way in all marked crosswalks even if there is no traffic light, you should be slowing down as you approach crosswalks without traffic lights as well. As a driver, you should always assume that there are pedestrians waiting to cross even if you cannot immediately see them. The worst that can happen to you by doing this is that you are slightly delayed. The worst that can happen to a pedestrian when cars are not properly yielding at crosswalks is that they are seriously injured or die.

Obviously, pedestrians should not expect cars to slow down for them if there is a "don't walk" traffic light.


mostlylighthearted t1_ix90zuj wrote

I think our perspectives are different and my message is not coming across the way I intended, which is okay. I mentioned in my original comment I’m all for pedestrian right of way and not arguing that :)